ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 06.06.2022
Breakfast for Alex, Anna, Benno, Germana, Karin, and Lisl. Who is Benno?
What awaits us today? It didn't thunder much but it rained more during the night. Let's tackle it.
Lunch break. Full bellies. Time for a nap. But no! Soon, the hiking trail will be under our feet again.
Today: existing and found hiking trails. However, not free from surprises. We take yellow. The hiking map says green should join yellow. Green? Which green? Sometime, out of the blue: green marking! Where did it come from? Well, yes. In our imagination, people armed with paint buckets walk through the area and randomly distribute their colors—or not. Then we just have to find the way ourselves. And we're pretty good at it.
Done! 20km, 1000 meters up, 800 meters down.... Now in the shade of the pilgrimage church Mariahilfberg in Gutenstein for a well-deserved dinner. Passing countless wayside shrines - so holy! Brilliant: over long distances, we walk alone. Only a stir at tourist hotspots like the Karnerwirten at the Myrafälle.