

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 06.11.2024

Unfortunately, we had to start our return trip to Phuket directly after the party in the morning. However, before the shuttle bus took us to the port in Thong Sala, we had time for a short walk through the city and to the beach - I was amazed at how clean everything was! One man clearly showed that he had fun the night before: he lay down on the ground in front of a hotel to sleep right in front of us. And a Scottish guy told us that he had partied until dawn and had gone swimming in the sea with all the remaining party guests when the sun came up. I found that quite disgusting considering the number of men who had relieved themselves in the sea the previous night. But that's for each person to decide for themselves.

Around 10 o'clock, we finally set off with the shuttle bus, and after a ferry, two more buses, a taxi ride, and 10 hours, we finally arrived at our accommodation in Phuket. There was unfortunately only time left to pack our backpacks neatly.

Unlike the end of the summer holidays, we not only went to the airport together the next morning, but also exited together and went through security check. While Markus flew back to Germany, I headed for the first of two layovers before the next big destination.

It was a short but very intense and beautiful vacation from traveling.


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