ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 03.02.2016
Jan. 21 - Jan. 26, 2016
When we arrived in Natal, we had to laugh a little at our room. The view was directly facing a wall and it looked a bit like a prison. But we quickly got used to it. We will probably have some better rooms waiting for us.
In Natal itself, we didn't like the Ponta Negra beach. It was overcrowded and when the tide came in (around 3-4 pm), the beach practically disappeared.
On the second day, we booked a trip to Pipa for the next day. Unfortunately, it started raining that day, so we decided to postpone the trip by one day.Postpone
In the evening, we went to a churrascaria for dinner, where Fabienne got sick. Unfortunately, she didn't feel well and spent the night in the bathroom. Once again, we had to postpone the trip by one day.
On the 25th, we finally made it and drove to Pipa by car.