ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 21.10.2023
Saturday, October 21, 2023, day 21
We started in Monument Valley and had a relaxed tour through northern Arizona to Lake Powell, where the Colorado River is dammed by a dam. The dammed Colorado fills an entire canyon (Glen Canyon, yes, not Grand Canyon, but Glen Canyon). This filled canyon is above the Lake Powell dam.
Below the dam, the Colorado flows through Glen Canyon and makes a U-turn, Horseshoe Bend, not far below the dam. We hiked there and from above we had a spectacular view deep down into the canyon.
We are now back in Utah and are stranded in a small town called Kanab. RV park, liquor store, gas station, groceries……what else do we need ‼️