Long live Madrid

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 17.01.2018

Hello dear ones!

I never thought I would write a blog, but it's true, if not now then when?

Last Wednesday I already went to Madrid, the last days before the departure were stressful as expected, the great highlight was that I was very happy that so many of you could come to my farewell party :) And of course, that both of my parents managed to accompany me to the airport.

Why only to Madrid? Isn't it supposed to be South America - yes, that is naturally the ultimate goal, but apart from the fact that most direct flights to South America depart from Madrid, I naturally couldn't miss the opportunity to visit my ERASMUS friends and relax a bit.

The nice thing about Spanish friends is that even if your goal is just to relax for a few days, there is always something going on, in this case for example a birthday party in the shared flat. Besides, I simply enjoyed being out and about for a few days here in Madrid and visiting my favorite places - you can see a small selection here ;)

Campo de Moro
Campo de Moro
Catedral de la Almudena
Jardines de Sabatini
Jardines de Sabatini
Jardines de Sabatini
Madrid Río
Madrid Río
Palacio de Cristal
Palacio de Cristal
Palacio Real
Palacio Real
Puente de Toledo
Puente de Toledo
Templo de Debod
Templo de Debod

What else did I do during this time? Mainly a lot of sleeping to be honest, but also some last-minute shopping, my equipment now includes a rain jacket and pants as well as an airport bag for my backpack and of course not forgetting my favorite Spanish tea ;)

But there were also some cultural activities, thanks to Andrés' recommendation, I went on a very interesting tour about mythological elements in the architecture of Madrid (it was much more fascinating than it sounds) with a little detour to El Rastro, Madrid's largest flea market.

And I was particularly happy to see old friends again, especially when there is chocolate cake especially for me :D

Tonight I'm already moving on, I've done my check-in, now everything just has to fit back into my backpack (gulp) and I have to arrive at the airport on time. Luckily it only starts at 23:50, so there is still enough time for a visit to 100 Montaditos before (practically the Spanish McDonald's but sooo much better).

Tomorrow, if everything goes according to plan, I will arrive in Montevideo at 9 am local time, I will then get in touch, see you soon!

P.S. Don't be surprised about the umlauts, I'm currently writing on a Spanish keyboard ;)

P.P.S. These are the green parrots that inhabit the parks here, especially Casa de Campo


And finally a few words to my Spanish and South American friends: I would very much like to invite you to follow my little travel blog :) I already left Hamburg last week to spend a few relaxing days in Madrid. Many thanks especially to Andrés and his friends and to Anais for making it possible for me to have such a good time here.

Everything is ready now for my takeoff this afternoon to Montevideo - I will arrive there at 9 in the morning and I am already looking forward to seeing my Uruguayan friends again and experiencing the carnival of Montevideo again like last year. See you soon!

P.S. Please don't complain about me writing less in Spanish, I would love to translate everything but I would be writing all day long ;)


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