ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 05.08.2017
Hello dear ones,
I have finally managed to create my internet blog. :D
Here are some first pieces of information.
Our flight (Munich->Abu Dhabi->Sydney->Christchurch) took a very long time. For me it was very exhausting.
We flew away on Tuesday 01.08.2017 and arrived on Thursday 03.08.2017.
After arriving at the hostel, we slept first. I had a very bad jet lag, Daniel was just tired.
The first few days were an adjustment for us, as we flew from summer to winter. Cold and shorter days, different day-night rhythm...
On Saturday 5.8 we were in the city for the first time.
Christchurch is a very beautiful city, unfortunately still marked significantly by the earthquake in 2010/11, but they are gradually rebuilding everything. As the name of the city already reveals, there are many churches there. But also other buildings from the colonial era that were not destroyed by the earthquake. We went to the city by bus. What surprised us the most is that everyone thanked the bus driver when they got off, even if the person only traveled one stop.
Quote Daniel: 'In addition, the city is dotted with smaller and larger parks, and rugby is played in every park. It feels like there are about 1000000000000 rugby teams in Christchurch!' End quote. :D
Daniel had his 5 minutes of fame. :D
Today Sunday
we didn't do much.
From Daniel's point of view, the poor guy had to do everything while I just lay around and slept.... :D
No, today we read up on a few things, looked up cool things we definitely want to do. Got documents for our bank account in NZ. Got a prepaid sim. Exchanged money and cooked something. We always have to cook anyway. We are self-catering. Now we're still deciding where to go next. The sun is setting here now (17:30).
Greetings from the other side of the world.
Christina & Daniel