My souvenir from Pico...

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 20.08.2020

July 27, 2020

For safety reasons, I went to see an orthopedic surgeon this morning to have my limping foot checked.

Unfortunately, the unique 'twisting' on Pico has consequences.

Diagnosis: in addition to strained ligaments on the outside of my foot, I have a triple fracture of the middle foot bone :-(

I never thought it would be this bad. Towards the end, it hardly hurt anymore - my foot was just swollen and had various shades of blue and green.

Immediately after the X-ray and CT scan, my foot is placed in a 'VACOped' shoe - it looks like a ski boot.

It will stay there on my foot for the next 6 (!!!) weeks (day and night), and then I will get a brace. If everything goes well, I may start to gradually put weight on it with crutches in September...

Fortunately, I didn't get a cast, because I can even go in the swimming pool with this shoe :-)

Everything will be okay - I'm optimistic!

Things just didn't go well.....

Update September 8, 2020

Starting today, I can take off the orthosis (the 'shoe') and try to walk with the help of crutches and a specially soled sneaker.

It feels like walking on eggshells....

I can cautiously put weight on it with the crutches. I'm curious how long it will take until I can put weight on my foot without crutches

To be continued....

September 25, 2020

For a few days now, I can walk without crutches and since today, I can drive again!

Hooray, I'm mobile again!!!

But my special sneakers (with a special rolling sole) and an ankle brace will still accompany me for another 8-10 weeks...

The majority of the limitations are now behind me!


October 23, 2020

Since my foot is not as flexible as the doctor wished, I had to go for physical therapy. Today was the last session and I'm amazed at what my foot can do again (I simply hadn't dared to do many things).

I still have big difficulties with standing on tiptoes, but I will continue to do my exercises diligently.

Progress is being made!!!

November 9, 2020

After a few short walks, today I walked a 10km route for the first time since the injury (I went for a walk).

The foot is fine so far, although I can only manage the long distance with the brace.

But that's already something!

December 28, 2020

So, the crazy year is coming to an end.

Yesterday I went out for a 10 km walk - in pouring rain...

But as they say, there is no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing :-)

Running is now going well, although for long distances I still need the brace and hiking shoes.

My specially soled sneakers worked best, but I had to gradually transition away from them to train my foot to roll itself again... not so easy.

I still can't stand on tiptoes. I will keep practicing... I still can't run or jog, but I'm mobile and can move around fully again! Yeah!

With that in mind: Happy New Year and stay healthy!

