ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 07.06.2023
Yesterday it went a bit further north. Our destination was Loen. I stumbled upon the "Skylift" during my vacation planning, one of the steepest cable cars in the world. Well, that sounds exciting!
Furthermore, the campsite here should be very nice. Even a dear neighbor told us that a frequently used advertising photo in the mobile home industry comes from here. We had to check that out (you can see the result in the photos).
What can I say about the pictures? We are in paradise 🥰. And all this for less than 28€/night. THIS, exactly THIS, is how I imagined Norway 😁
Today we just chilled/read/looked at the water and enjoyed. Tomorrow we'll take the sky lift up the mountain and then continue to the Geirangerfjord. Wat mutt, dat mutt!