
Life writes with a pen

Cyhoeddwyd: 06.03.2017

For the sake of completeness and because as a little wannabe photographer I of course have to get rid of my photos of this amazing island, I have had the point 'Phillip Island Part 2' on my blogger list for weeks. The only problem? Due to a lot of work, I hardly had time to gather fresh ideas for another blog post.

WHAT A LUCK that a certain person gave me more inspiration than necessary just before departure. To be honest, I have spent some time considering whether or not to write this story, as it touches me more than any previous failures. But this blog is my personal diary and I will not leave out the unsightly parts of my story, because in the end they are just as much a part of my experiences as the beautiful parts. I can't just delete a chapter, like I can now as I write this entry.

The reason why I mostly keep my future plans low-key? As I had to find out once and for all: because they never work out anyway.

The original plan was to leave Phillip Island on Monday and take a ferry to Tasmania, an island 'Under Down Under', together with a buddy who had grown close to my heart during our time working together. The idea had been maturing for about 4 weeks and was a motivation for me to get up in the mornings and take on a new work day. My anticipation grew day by day.

Finally, after a few incredibly exhausting days at work, I had my day off! I went for a hike to the highest point of Phillip Island, and with this incredibly beautiful landscape in front of me, I sent a voice message to my parents. 'I don't know how often in one's life one comes to the point where one can't believe one's own happiness.' I was completely blissful. Best Day Ever!

Evening came and I received a WhatsApp message canceling our entire planned trip (for the record: 5 days before departure). The reason? He wanted and needed to travel alone. Yes, this could be the best day ever.

I'll be honest, this moment was the first on my journey where I wished I was just at home, with my family around me and someone to hold me. Never before had I felt SO alone. It wasn't only the fact that I was naturally hurt and still am by this move that brought me to my personal end this evening. As a backpacker, so far away from home and my loved ones, it meant a lot to me to have gained a true friend. Between so much freedom and independence, I had someone who made me feel at home at least for one evening.

But then the story took its turn and for a moment, I could only watch as everything fell apart. I gave my all every day to somehow make the most of every day in Australia, even if it was just to survive work. And yet, to this day, there are those moments when I look back at how it could have been and just ask myself, why?

Apart from that, a few days before my departure, I was completely alone without a Plan B. I relied on Plan A and simply trusted. Mistake! As I said in my last entry: Trust nobody. Well, I guess I should have listened to myself.

My only consolation? It couldn't get any worse.

So, completely devastated, I sent a voice message to my best friend and my sister back home, who called me immediately and could make me laugh again. Apparently, Australia has already made me strong enough for life, because after a 10-minute phone call, I was already lying on my bed laughing again with my sister on the other end of the line, simply because I couldn't believe my own situation once again. It's incredible that the person who has always lifted me up when I was down has become the reason why I sat there again, not knowing what to do.

At this point, I want to thank my sister and my best friend Lisa infinitely. No matter how far away I am, you somehow manage to lift me up and give me new hope. I don't know how to express how grateful I am to have a sister who is always there for me and somehow always manages to give me strength and courage, and a best friend who starts crying herself just because she hears me crying. I wish I could just hug both of you and say thank you, but unfortunately, I can't. I hope I can at least express my gratitude a little bit, because you are everything to me and with you by my side, the world is a lot less frightening.

Yes, life often has some really nasty moves up its sleeve, and sometimes they come from a direction you never expected. But if Australia has taught me one thing by now, it's that life always goes on somehow. No matter how hopeless my situation may seem in some moments, I know that I will find a solution this time too. I will overcome this hurdle and stand up again.

I have learned to believe in myself.

What's next? I have found new people, set new goals, taken a new path, and by now, I get goosebumps again when I think about what's to come. I am closing the chapter on Phillip Island with all its beautiful aspects, characters, and adventures. It's time to fill a few new pages with joy of life and wanderlust.

The haircut is on point and I am so ready for life.

Recently, I received a compliment that took my breath away. My life and my stories are worthy of a movie. Folks, no matter how hard life can sometimes be: if it results in a movie in the end, which I would watch myself, then it's worth fighting for.

I would like to once again thank every single person who takes the time to read my stories. Thank you for the incredibly touching comments and your amazing messages. You motivate me to turn every experience into a story and give me the strength to even develop something positive out of such defeats afterwards. You give me more strength than you think! Thank you thank you thank you!
Ateb (3)

Liebe Vreni, verfolge von Anfang an Deine spannend geschriebenen Blogeinträge und freue mich immer über neue Berichte! Hätte eine Frage in eigenem Interesse und würde mich sehr über eine Einschätzung von Dir freuen... Meine beste Freundin will nach dem Abi diesen Sommer auch für ein Jahr nach AUS für Work & Travel und nun will ihr Freund (Beziehung ist nicht ganz unproblematisch) mit ihr kommen. Was sagst Du? Ist es gut als Pärchen rumzureisen oder wäre es mit einer Freundin oder ganz allein besser? Würde mich über eine Einschätzung von Dir sehr freuen, denn wir (meine Freundin und ich) rätseln, ob es wohl gut ist als Paar unterwegs zu sein oder anders besser wäre... Vielen Dank im Voraus und alles Gute weiterhin! Viele liebe Grüße, Lilly

Liebe Lilly, zunächst einmal ein riesiger Dankeschön und ich fühle mich geehrt, dass du dir bei mir Rat holst. In meinem Fall bin ich froh, dass ich alleine reisen kann. Dieses Freiheitsgefühl ist Gold wert, man kann viel offener und spontaner handeln und hat nicht immer jemanden im Hinterkopf, den man vermisst oder bei dem man sich melden muss. Auf so einer Reise lernt man sich selbst so viel besser kennen und von dem her denke ich ist es lehrreicher alleine zu reisen, vor allem wenn die besagte Beziehung sowieso etwas am knacksen ist. Das ist aber meine persönliche Meinung, ich kenne hier auch ein supercooles Pärchen, die seit einem Jahr alles zusammen anpacken. Lässt euer bauch Gefühl entscheiden, doch deine Freundin soll mal einfach nur an sich selbst denken! :)

Wollte Dir noch vielmals danken für Deine nette Antwort, liebe Verena! Du schreibst das, was ich auch denke und wohin meine Freundin letztendlich auch hin tendiert. Deine Einschätzung hat jedenfalls geholfen :) Weiterhin alles Gute für Dich und liebe Grüße, Lilly
