
On the trails of Conny and Torsten

Publicatu: 12.07.2023

Tuesday morning, 9 o'clock in Amed, and the joy is great.

Friends of ours who have been to Bali advised us to visit Jimboran. Jimboran is located in the southwest of Bali and has a beautiful sandy beach. The sunset is said to be breathtaking, and the fish restaurants on the beach are magnificent.

Let's start from the beginning. Ngurah, the nephew of Kadek, picked us up from the hotel on time and first took us to the viewpoint of Amed. We had never been there before. It is located at the beginning of Amed. We took some photos and then drove to the clinic in Amed. The doctor wanted to see me again to take another look at the wound. This time she disinfected it with Betadine, a little more than at the beginning. I'm not a crybaby, but I'm not a hero either. It did hurt, but it quickly subsided. She gave me more sterile bandages and some instructions to follow. After that, we continued to Jimbaran. It was a 3-hour drive. There are no real highways in Bali. Maybe a "expressway" that has two lanes and was driven by Ngurah at 70 km/h. But even this one is not very long, so we quickly got back into the hustle and bustle. Scooters everywhere around us. They say that there are 4 million inhabitants in Bali, but 5 million scooters. 🤣 It's not completely safe, but you get to your destination faster than in a car. Just for information: running a red light costs €6, no rearview mirror or horn costs €15, no vehicle documents cost €30, and talking on the phone while riding a scooter costs €45. Who cares about red lights. 🤣 Seriously, it's not that bad here, but honking is very important.

Let's continue our journey. I had the idea of ​​visiting a temple before going to the beach. Pura Luhur Uluwatu, a cliff temple that is very important to the Balinese people. Ngurah showed us the temple and the various paths to explore it. In the temple complex, there are again these countless cute monkeys. However, unlike those in Ubud, these were little thieves. They were known to steal cell phones and sunglasses. We were repeatedly warned to hide everything. Since we were given a lilac cloth at the entrance to cover our knees, we all looked like little monks. Whether male or female, everyone was wearing skirts. The view was truly magnificent and impressive. The sea showed itself in a turquoise blue color with white foam. Fantastic, simply fantastic. Ngurah wanted to take us on the main path around the temple, but we politely declined. We wanted to go to the beach, relax, and eat delicious fish. On the way there, we passed some peculiarities. Whether it was gods and statues or the electricity supply to the houses. Wild-west-style wiring. 🤣 On one side, there were countless warungs, on the other side, shopping centers. Jimbaran, the city we were in, is a multifaceted city. A pure tourist town. In Amed, the sidewalks are rolled up at 11 p.m., but not in Jimbaran.

Suddenly, Ngurah turned left into a side street. Drove through a very narrow side street, luckily only scooters were coming towards us. Another vehicle wouldn't have fit next to us. We passed small warungs and private guest rooms as he drove straight ahead. I wanted to ask him if we were on the wrong way, but he was the master here on the island. He knew what he was doing. And just like that...we were in the middle of it all. It was a shortcut...clever guy. 🤣

He let us get out of the car and parked it on the other side of the restaurant. Our restaurant was called Ganesha Café, it had to be good. Afterwards, we were told that the restaurant was very famous and well-known in Bali. No wonder Rainer's heart was beating faster and stronger than usual. A huge hall awaited us, where you could choose all kinds of fish. Some were laid on icebergs, and some were behind a glass pane, swimming in water. On the other side, there was a 3-meter long grill with a depth of 60 cm. It already smelled delicious. We walked through the hall and found a nice spot on the beach. But before I sat down at the table, I had to go to the water. There were waves there, unbelievable. They made a loud noise when they hit the beach. I don't know if I have ever seen waves that high and powerful. I was deeply impressed and fascinated. Of course, I took countless photos first. I wanted to capture every second. I actually had goosebumps on my body and tears in my eyes. After my initial fascination, I returned to the table. Rainer and Ngurah had already ordered something to drink, and we looked at the fish menu. Ngurah and I ordered a Red Snapper, and Rainer ordered a crab. He had never eaten a crab before. Since Conny had recommended eating a Red Snapper on the beach, I did the same. Actually, she didn't really recommend it to me, she just said, "I had the most delicious Red Snapper there." I couldn't resist the temptation to try it and compare it to other restaurants. But it was true, it was fantastic. It was opened up by the kitchen so that I could easily get to the fish meat, grilled and covered with a delicious marinade. It was served with wild spinach and rice. Sensationally delicious, no one spoke, everyone enjoyed their food. Rainer took a little longer with his crab than Ngurah and I did. I also got to try it. It was great, prepared super deliciously. Since you can eat with your fingers in Bali, it was no problem to break the poor guy's claws with my hands. 🤣

We finished eating in a timely manner, just as the sunset began. I took about 200 photos. We even set up a tripod with Rainer's phone to do a time-lapse. The beach gradually filled up with many tourists. Everyone took pictures of this sunset. In the distance, planes flew into Denpasar. It was a spectacular event. Ngurah had never seen anything like it before and was very grateful that we had taken some sunset pictures for him as well. There was a beautiful and cheerful atmosphere at the table. Wonderful.

As the sun went down, the sky changed from orange to light red. Unbelievable color play. And all given by Mother Nature. We enjoyed the evening very much and happily drove home around 7 p.m., where we arrived at 10 p.m.

We would like to dedicate this day to our friends Conny and Torsten, who convinced us (despite the exhausting journey) to go to Jimbaran, watch the sunset, and eat fish.

Thank you for this precious day 💋👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏽👬🏼♥️
