
بڵاوکراوەتەوە: 07.08.2022

While our bus is getting a well-deserved service at the Mercedes workshop, we would like to visit the city of Bristol. A friendly employee of the workshop drives us to the nearest train station without hesitation. From there, we take the train to the city center. It is still early in the morning and the shops are still closed, so we settle down in a cafe for now.

The three of us leisurely stroll through the old town. There is a lot to see in the market hall. Special shops remind us of the Tollwood Festival in Munich. A small room houses a museum, where great personalities have already been guests.

We continue through the shopping mile and the shopping center in Bristol.

Tired from all the walking, we finish the afternoon in a pub. We then take a taxi back to the workshop and pick up our bus.


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