
Kia Ora from New Zealand

بڵاوکراوەتەوە: 05.12.2016

We have been in New Zealand for a week now and have become well acquainted with this country. The first few days were very cold and I constantly complained about cold feet. We flew from Australia at about 30 degrees and landed here at about 15 degrees. Luckily, our package from Germany with warm clothing had already arrived and we were able to wrap ourselves in a woolen jacket and jeans.

For seven days, we have stayed in a nice beachfront apartment in the north of Auckland, in Takapuna. We have used the last few days to find a car that we can also sleep in for the next few months. We found a well-maintained van; the biggest challenge will be overcoming claustrophobia, as there is very little space above our heads when lying down ;).

A few days ago, we took a boat tour to the offshore island of Waiheke and enjoyed some beautiful coastal hikes there. The temperatures have risen in the meantime, and you can spend the days outdoors in 20 to 23 degrees.

Tomorrow, we will start exploring the North Island with our car.

We wish everyone in Germany a wonderful Advent season!

وەڵام (3)

Hallöle ihr zwei! Hoffentlich seid ihr auch weiterhin gesund und munter... ihr schreibt, "einen Wagen für die nächsten Monate"... wie lange wollt ihr in Neuseeland bleiben? Viel Spaß weiterhin und tolle Eindrücke... liebe Grüße aus der Heimat😌

Hallo Karin, wir wollen mindestens 3 Monate und da lohnt es sich, einen Campervan zu kaufen.Hauptsache, wir kriegen ihn nachher wieder verkauft. LG Gitti und Torsten

Hallo Torsten und Gitti :-) Liebe Grüße vom heimischen Praxis-Team an euch beiden Lispelkünstler! :-P Unglaublich schöne Fotos aus Neuseeland. Das Land sagt mir bisher wirklich am meisten zu und macht Lust auf mehr! ♥ Wünsche Euch noch eine unglaublich schöne Zeit dort und all Zeit gute Fahrt mit eurem Van! :-) LG, Christina