Luci & Klara
Luci & Klara


بڵاوکراوەتەوە: 09.03.2017

Hi guys,

If you ever travel to India, you have to do a yoga course. So we decided to do yoga and meditation at an ashram in Rishikesh for one week. The course started on 28.02.17 and ended on 06.03.17. Since we were in India earlier, we spent the days before the course in Varanasi. Since we had already seen everything there, we could focus on organizational things or simply enjoy the atmosphere in the city. At that time, the Shiva Festival was celebrated with music parades on the streets.

After a tiresome train journey to Rishikesh, we were then taken to our ashram called Phool Chatti by taxi. The building is located outside the hustle and bustle, very idyllic in nature, right on the Ganges. By the way, an ashram is a monastery-like meditation center. We spent the last week there, which turned out to be very fun and exciting. Our daily routine was as follows:

05:30 Wake up

06:00-06:30 Meditation

06:30-06:45 Bramayama (Nose Cleaning)

06:45-07:15 Breathing exercises

07:15-09:00 Yoga

09:00-09:45 Breakfast

09:30-10:00 Karma Yoga (Cleaning)

10:30-12:00 Meditation Walk

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-15:00 Free time

15:00-16:15 Discussion round

16:30-18:00 Yoga

18:30-19:00 Singing

19:30-20:15 Dinner

20:30-21:00 Guided Meditation

I'm really proud that we went through with it because getting up so early really takes a toll on you. It's hard to convey through writing how it was there, so you'll have to wait until we can tell you everything better at home. But the movement and the serenity did us both good. With a healthy body and mind, we did a lot in Laxman Jhula. On the one hand, we rented scooters to go to Neer Gath waterfall. When we arrived, we took a refreshing bath, which was really good. On the other hand, we went to the Beatles Ashram. In 1968, the Beatles went there to meditate and simply take a vacation. Unfortunately, the ashram is quite dilapidated, but still quite beautiful with the different paintings on the walls.

Love Luci & Klara


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