Pesaro, Urbino and a lot of fog...

بڵاوکراوەتەوە: 17.10.2018

First of all, an update to the last report:

So... the mussels are not endangered, as Gerhard suspected, but they are wild mussels (moscioli selvatici) and therefore only available in small quantities.

But now to our tour today:

After a day of rest and relaxation, we set off on our exploration tour again today. Unfortunately, the weather is not great, very foggy and partly rainy. But we didn't let that stop us and first drove towards Senigallia. We didn't see much of the certainly fantastically beautiful surroundings - la nebbia...

Arriving in Senigallia, we already knew the back way to the harbor and the fish market from our first visit on arrival day. At noon, we didn't have much hope for a wide selection, but at least some stands still had something to sell:

The animals in the photo above were still crawling, which was clearly "fresh from the net" for me... so we quickly agreed on gambas, and bought a kilo for dinner.

We continued along the coastal road towards the north, passing Fano and heading to Pesaro. There we took a little coffee break, of course in an appropriate ambience :-)

The weather changed between drizzle and fog, so we quickly got back in the car towards Urbino.

Of course, we got a parking space right by the city wall, it wasn't exactly picnic weather... unfortunately, we didn't get to see the view of the town from the countryside, but we suspect it's really beautiful when the sun is shining.

In Urbino, there are 25,000 students for 15,000 inhabitants, so it was really busy at Piazza della Repubblica :-)

So we walked up Via Saffi from the parking lot, and I mean REALLY steep uphill. Narrow, wet, and cobblestone, that wouldn't have been possible with a motorcycle... and turning around would have been impossible too... but it's no problem, we were on foot!

When we arrived at the top, we mainly saw FOG... with a lot of imagination, you could guess that the Palazzo Ducale was visible on the left, an impressively large magnificent building. Unfortunately, the weather didn't speak for outdoor activities... so we went into the palace.

And we were really surprised by what we found there on 2 floors as works of art. The Duke Federico was a very rich man who apparently didn't know where to put his money.

Stucco ceilings, wooden doors with elaborate inlays, tapestries, and lots of paintings. The palace was incredibly large and more intricate than we initially thought.

The visit was definitely worth it!
When we came outside, we strolled a bit further, past the cathedral (which was closed at the time), and continued to Piazza della Repubblica. Here, student life was in full swing, the cafes were full, and - thank god - we almost stumbled upon an ice cream parlor. That was just perfect for us!
There were some pretty unusual flavors and we devoured a large cone.
Afterwards, we made our way back through the fog... and I mean it quite literally. Our navigation system wanted to give us a scenic route through small side streets... which was not always enjoyable in the fog. But we still managed to reach our home track before nightfall. In Pesaro, we drove steeply uphill at the church, and then continued uphill, past the cemetery and always steeply uphill until the wheels almost spun on the gravel at the steepest point. Our car (and we) are now familiar with this, especially when we have to turn right or left (of course with momentum)... the way to the house is something only insiders know... no one accidentally ends up here... but there is only the ridge after us :-) so it's pure tranquility once we've made it!
Now we're cooking something delicious, eating, and then chilling by the fireplace.