Lukas' Reiseblog
Lukas' Reiseblog

Blog special edition – days at the lake

بڵاوکراوەتەوە: 21.12.2023

It's evening and a storm is raging outside in Hausach. (It sounds very theatrical, but that's how it really is in Kinzigtal :D).

I'm sitting at the desk in my childhood room while the whole room is filled with things from Konstanz. The stuff in here is actually enough for two rooms and makes the mood unsteady. Although I was still tired the whole way home from my farewell party in Konstanz and the day after that when I moved out, I can't really relax and I haven't even mentally arrived here or left Konstanz yet. It feels like I'll just go back after the Christmas holidays. Since I'm still a long way from saying goodbye and the next adventure will soon begin with the Ref, I'm reviewing my time at the lake with a blog. Freiburg just lost really stupidly, that fits the mood. Since I didn't actually want to move away, the question arises as to whether my time in KN is now unfinished or involuntarily completed.

How do you measure this time? The poet in me would say how many people you touched (not literally of course, that's private). The pragmatist in me would measure it by the fact that there is now a single-family home on a field at the bottom of the world that had a sign saying "for sale as a building site" and that I pass on every drive home. The student in me would not measure time by his final grade, but rather by how often I had to ask for an extension when it came to deadlines for term papers. How often is not revealed. But luckily the master’s thesis was on time.

It probably makes the most sense to start where you spent two years. I think I lived with 8 people in my shared apartment during this time. No, if Nichi counts even 9. I think we should count him. :D

WG Magic has definitely always produced or attracted legends as residents. Some were lying on the floor in the Bundestag, others were playing Xing instead of Tinder or repairing hiking trails in their free time. And still others have already seen half the world or been able to study from 6 a.m. onwards. It has also happened that people sought asylum with us at night, who were supposedly being chased by the police and had also lost a pack of dates. And most of them become teachers. It can only be good. I still think living in a shared apartment is cool, especially when it's right with the roommates. And that really worked. Someone great just kept coming along. Anne now feels as if she is my sister. I'm part of Eric's family anyway, and I'm already accepted by Emma, the golden retriever and boss of the family.

The biggest problem in the shared apartment was that my refrigerator compartment was too small. It felt like it was full with three peppers. In addition, our lodge, where the refrigerator is, was full of mold. But I still have a small hope that I will get superpowers from the influence of the large mold infestation in the apartment. Marvel definitely needs new heroes again.

In addition to the shared apartment and all current and former roommates, I will of course also miss my friends from Konstanz. My boys, who from now on have to watch football without me, but finally have a chance at darts. We got to know each other through ZwiWas or mutual acquaintances at the Ersti hut, love at second sight at Berrys (since we had already seen each other in Kinzigtal, which only became clear to us there), fitness and advice in one or the Thirdi hut , which I was allowed to attend as a first-timer. Or the hot ones with which we rocked the university league. Even though unfortunately I was injured far too often.

With many friendships, you only know how important they really were to you when the end of your time together is foreseeable. There were and are simply so many great people that I was able to get to know in Konstanz. Thanks for that. 😊

I'm really wondering whether I'm writing this blog as a thank you to you...

University isn't really worth mentioning. In my case, the effort and return are always in an outstanding ratio. Don't know if it has something to do with intelligence or just luck. Probably a bit of both, but since it's better for the ego, we'll assume it was my cleverness. Since the university was only stressful for a month during the semester and three days before the deadlines for term papers, I was able to earn a little money on the side. Unfortunately, during my tutoring I had to spend just as much time clarifying any trivial matters with the LBV, for example: For example, after months, I still couldn't say what I earn per hour and probably like to make a puzzle out of their pay slips. They could also be in Klingon and would be no less transparent for a Hiwi contract. Luckily I don't work for them anymore. Oh no, wait…

At least the two years of tutoring at the Wessenbergschule got me a referral place in Konstanz. Oh no, wait… But I have to say that I was at the school in Offenburg today and it looks super cool. So I was probably very lucky there.

The coolest part-time job in Konstanz was at MeinEinkauf, packing packages for a day once a week: creating around 10 kilos of packaging waste, seeing the most bizarre orders from people, finding buddies, and no tears, but forgetting the blood and sweat for the job. I even have a scar on my hand from cutting my hand with a parcel dispenser. There are reasons why I don't do anything crafty professionally. :D

What else can you say about Constance? In summer the most difficult decisions that have to be made are Schänzle, Herose or Hörnle. In winter you get the feeling that Sauron has sent a white brood to darken the sun for several months this time, that's how foggy it gets (MfG to all Lord of the Rings nerds). But seeing the Alps from the bicycle bridge across the lake in the morning will never be normal and will always remain special.

Unfortunately, some things turned out to be a dream from which you had to wake up. This includes winning the university league with the Eise, exciting lectures in literary studies, some romances and the fact that I went hiking in Switzerland far too rarely.

Sometimes you think back on things, on (bitter)sweet memories that made you happy. In your mind's eye you see images of successes or great trips, your first relationship, friendships you made or realizing as a child how big the world is and what you can experience. The past stages of my life are also included. Hausach, Karlsruhe, Kehl and Karlsruhe again. Constance is now part of it and was a great part of my life.

I am of the opinion that the concept of Horcruxes in Harry Potter has a certain charm in a modified and positive form. You will forever be connected to places where you felt comfortable. Maybe you don't leave a part of your soul behind there, that didn't work out so well with Voldemort. But a part of my heart will always belong to Konstance and will therefore remain with all of you who shared this time with me. Overall: If it's ok, I would come by again. :D😊

It's night outside now and the storm has calmed down. I have to go to bed soon because I have a job tomorrow and we have to prepare for Christmas. That's why I have to slowly move my head back to Hausach. I still cannot answer the question of whether the time in Konstanz is unfinished. It feels like a Polaroid that never fades, but could still use a few extra details.

But have you ever read a story and finished the last page of the last book in the series? Have you experienced this feeling that is filled with sadness that something is ending, but at the same time is also filled with feelings of happiness because everything had its place and, looking back, everything had a meaning? Although the end is an end, you begin to understand that eventually every phase ends and so it's all about making it end well. I'm not the type of person who has the answer to everything. On the contrary, I know I still have a lot to learn. But I think the time in Konstanz was exactly what I personally needed to find my way and develop further. Now I'm ready to teach students something. Hope they want that too.

It's a bit strange to me that we're not all leaving, but most of us are staying in Constance. But in the end, that's great because it means we're not spread out and when I visit, I find Konstanz the same way I left it. Of course, I would have liked to have spent more time with you and it is difficult to accept that you will no longer be part of my everyday life. But I'm not out of the world in Hausach and I'm happy about every invitation or message. But for me it's time for a new phase of life and it's time to go one step further and at the same time enjoy the time with my friends at home.

Merry Christmas to everyone and enjoy the time. See you. 😊
