Canada Day 13 (2) - Hiking at Lake Louise - Lake Agnes

প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: 27.09.2018

Just 800 meters further up the mountain was Lake Agnes, our next destination. Along the short path, there were again magnificent views and even a small waterfall to admire. When we arrived at Lake Agnes, we were greeted with the same sight: many, many people. And since there was also a tea house here, it was even busier than Mirror Lake. However, we decided not to join the long line and instead observed the many chipmunks running around among the people. So cute! Although there were signs everywhere not to feed the animals, most tourists couldn't resist giving them something to eat...

There was a small hiking trail along the lake. We briefly considered continuing on our original hiking trail, but then decided to see where this path led. It didn't seem crowded at all. And it was worth it because the trail was hardly visited. Most people stayed near the tea house, took a break there, and then continued. There was still quite a bit of snow in some places up here, which we had to struggle through.

After a short time, we reached the other end of the lake, and there was really no one around! Finally, we were alone, surrounded by pure nature, just as we had imagined :) There were many friendly chipmunks here too, practically begging for food. But we didn't have anything to give them ;) They came really close to us. And it wasn't just cute chipmunks, there were also marmots here! However, they were well camouflaged, and you could only spot them if you were quiet and looked carefully. But we saw several of them.

From here, we could also observe the deliveries for the tea house being brought in by helicopter. When the helicopter was gone, it was so quiet here that it almost became eerie. All we could hear was the occasional cracking of the snow masses in the mountains. We enjoyed the peace and quiet here, it was truly wonderful. No other people, no noise. And the view over the lake was breathtaking. We would have loved to stay here for the rest of the day, but we still had some distance to cover. So reluctantly, we packed up our things and continued our hike after a long break.


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