The first few days...

প্ৰকাশিত: 09.09.2017

On Tuesday, September 5th, 2017, my journey to Australia began: I flew from Hamburg to Frankfurt and then from there to Hong Kong and Sydney. In Frankfurt, I met three more au pairs from my organization AIFS: Annika, Christina, and Lena. We got along really well and more or less survived the incredibly long flight together. It was more exhausting than we thought! The first flight was 11 hours and the second one was another 9 hours. We maybe slept for three hours and were therefore completely exhausted when we arrived at the Sydney airport.

The four of us girls were naturally the last ones to find the meeting point where a shuttle picked us up. That wasn't the last time that we were late :-D.

Anyway, the shuttle took us to a hostel right by Sydney's main train station. Unfortunately, the girls and the others from the organization were assigned to the rooms mixed, so we had to sleep with other people. They were always pretty annoyed when we came into the room at midnight to get our shower stuff :-D. The hostel was actually very nice except for the breakfast... but that didn't bother us!

We didn't have much free time, but we still tried to explore the places we really wanted to see in the evenings or afternoons.

On Wednesday, we went to the Harbor Bridge and the Opera House, and on Thursday, we went to Bondi Beach. Both places were absolutely beautiful! We saw the Opera House for the first time at sunset and it was amazing! I think Bondi Beach is the most beautiful beach I've ever been to, and it was also completely empty! But that's no wonder, because spring has just started here. :-)



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