The journey is coming to its inevitable end.

Tuscany bids us farewell with heavy rain showers, we make a stop at Lake Garda.

Lake Garda

In doing so, we experience that the few parking spaces are being overrun by climbing fans. As the evening progresses, more and more wild campers of different shapes and sizes gather. No, the places are not advertised on the internet, there are simply very few of them. And currently, only a few destinations in Europe can be visited, the number decreases daily and Italy is still relatively safe to visit in early October.

Lake Cavedine
Lake Cavedine

However, climbers are usually relaxed people, so there is enough space in a small area.

Marocche di Dro
Marocche di Dro
Climbing paradise
Climbing paradise

Northern Italy also bids us farewell with abundant showers, which is why we soon make our way over the Brenner Pass - like so many others on this Friday.

Conquering the Brenner Pass - rewarded with sunshine!
Conquering the Brenner Pass - rewarded with sunshine...
...and honored with a visit!
...and honored with a visit!

Only the couple from Slovenia next to us is packing up their soaking wet tent, they want to stay a few more days.

Despite the unusually bad weather for September, we take numerous memories with us from bella Italia, countless impressions, plenty of new experiences, and pictures of a country full of beauty, ripe figs, and extremely delicious food!

Farewell command
Farewell command


উত্তৰ (2)

Großartiger Beitrag und sehr inspirierende und schön anzusehende Bilder!

Sehr schön! Tolle Bilder! Beeindruckende Erlebnisse. Und vorallen sehr kurzweilig, anschaulich und interessant geschrieben.Habe wieder richtig Lust auf Italien bekommen. Herzlichst Ines

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অধিক ভ্ৰমণৰ প্ৰতিবেদন