
Bad, worse, seagulls!

Wɔatintim: 02.02.2017

Seagulls, seagulls as far as the eye can see. You can't even empty your bag of chips in peace without the creatures standing around, waiting for something to jump off for them. Like the pigeons in Germany, except these silver seagulls are even less shy. And they look better than the flying rats. They have red beaks and red legs. We suspect that those are the males. The others, with black beaks and black legs, are probably the females. But I'm not an ornithologist either.

Just a little something on the side: If you don't have a cell phone at hand here and want to make a quick call, you should choose a different phone booth than we did. There's not much you can do with it anymore..

So uh where was I, oh yeah, seagulls. Annoying things. The only animal that is more hated here is the possum.

The 'plague' brought here from Australia for the fur industry likes to eat kiwi eggs (kiwis are cute little nocturnal birds that belong to the ostrich genus. If I ever see one, pictures will follow) and thus ensures that the kiwi population decreases. That's why possums are occasionally run over and killed. The animal can't help it either.. Well.

We've been here for two weeks now and.. the first cockroach was spotted. Or XXL cockroach, I'm not quite sure. Take a look and decide for yourself. Otherwise, there are only the same creatures here as in Germany. No poisonous spiders or snakes, etc. But the mosquito bites really itch a lot. I won't even start with the massive sandflies. Damn things!

In conclusion, I can say that New Zealand is definitely worth a visit if you have the time, money, and desire. We meet a lot of Europeans, including those with children, and that's already working out. But you should stay here for at least 4 weeks and that costs money. For a family of 4, you should budget at least 10,000€, if not more..

Anoyie (3)

Dat is eher ne Grille. Und Möwen > Tauben. ^^

Na heute ja nicht so Euer Tag. !! Ihr habt ja freihe Bahn um zu schauen wo keine Viecher sind. Nur Mut. Alles Liebe Euch beiden.

Dann Grille, jedenfalls kein angenehmer Zeitgenosse, wenn der übers Waschbecken flitzt :D 👌😊

#neuseeland #workandtravel#fun#love#sun#2017