USA 2017 - Unser Westküstentrip
USA 2017 - Unser Westküstentrip

Day 2 - on the way to San Diego

Ishicilelwe: 16.05.2017

After a mega relaxing night in the hotel, we decided to have breakfast at a diner next door...

The owner (an old Greek) was very nice and helped us navigate the different dishes on the menu.

The breakfast was surprisingly good - but we didn't want to know the calories 😂😂.

Afterwards, we hit the road on Highway No. 1 towards Carlsbad (Outlet Center 🙈).

The first photo stop was at Laguna Beach. A dreamlike setting and quiet, especially at the early hour of half past 10 with no people around.

Then we continued along the coast to La Jolla. There is a great beach there where seals and sea lions live!

From La Jolla, we headed to San Diego. The agenda for the day included a visit to Balboa Park, and we were already behind schedule - but oh well, it's vacation 😊

Afternoon traffic is comparable to Cologne - stop and go.

Balboa Park is a huge museum complex and right next to the zoo. We took a little walk there and I had to have some lunch - a small salad with 3 strips of chicken for $8.99 😂🙈 well, it tasted good.

From Balboa Park, we went to Walmart. We urgently needed a cooler box and various other things to not rely on squishy US breakfast with 3000 calories every day.

Walmart Supercenter - and yes, the name says it all! A store twice as big as a Real or Metro in Germany. Amercians everywhere driving around the aisles with their electric scooters, loading one sugary product after another. The stuff is dirt cheap. But if you dare to think about buying fruits or vegetables, be prepared to pay a pretty penny. A simple head of lettuce for $4.99... they even have the 'pack of vegetables with sauce already on' option for $9.99. All pre-cut and ready to eat...

Then we finally went to our hotel... we had rebooked shortly before and it was a good decision. Our new hotel is right by the harbor in San Diego. Clean, modern furnishings, and great beds! Perfect for 2 nights.

Only the parking garage was a bit tricky. The car (you already saw it on Day 1) just barely fit through the entrance... there was only half a hand's width of room left🙈

After checking in, it was time for a warm dinner. There was an Italian restaurant right across the street, by the water. Great ambiance but also fancy prices. Each dish starting from $20. But it tasted really good!! And there was ice-cold Peroni beer - a dream come true.

After dinner, we took a walk for a few meters. This was cut short by a lunatic on a bicycle (I suspect a junkie) shooting an air gun around. So we were glad that our hotel was just across the 6-lane street. With that, we ended the day at 10 PM, because we were also dog tired...
