Taiwan 2017
Taiwan 2017

1. Chinese Lesson

Ishicilelwe: 13.09.2017

Already in the first lesson, we were not sparred... Full speed ahead was the motto;)

The first three hours in the Chinese course went by in a flash. Full concentration was required the whole time. The small group of only about 10 students made it even more intense. First, we got our Chinese names and tried to pronounce them. At the beginning, I had trouble with my last name (Shī). After that, we looked at very basic things (e.g., Hello, What's your name? My name is..., Goodbye). Fortunately, there is also a 'normal' written Chinese called Pinyin. This simplifies learning a lot. Nevertheless, we still have to learn the Chinese characters.

Conclusion: This is going to be really difficult, but also incredibly interesting! I'm looking forward to more=)
