
The Palm Leaf Library

Ishicilelwe: 14.10.2017

I have had the desire to visit a palm leaf library for 30 years. There are great descriptions of it, but also many critical voices. Since I am naturally curious and want to experience everything myself to get an idea, I immediately took advantage of this opportunity in Bali.

In the traditions, it is said that for every person who visits such a library, a palm leaf is also deposited. However, in reality, there seem to be cases where no leaf is available. At least that is a good sign, because then nothing is just made up to make quick money, but people may have to leave.

There was a leaf available for me after I had given my name and date of birth. First, the person is described in terms of their character traits, and they receive appropriate guidance on when the best time is for their meditation and which Hindu god they are connected to. Colors are mentioned that they should surround themselves with to strengthen their aura.

The Brahmin (source Wikipedia: "A Brahmin (Sanskrit, ब्राह्मण, brāhmaṇa) is a member of the highest caste (Varna) in the Indian caste system. In Hinduism, it is the privilege and duty of the Brahmins to be teachers of the Vedas and scholars, to this day they are mainly the priests. Therefore, "Brahmin" was also a religious title"), the leaf reads in Sanskrit, his wife writes and translates in English, and then it is translated again into German.

It lists the previous life and shows the possible future lives. It also lists the strengths and weaknesses of the person with indications of their respective life path.

All in all, an exciting matter. As a conclusion, we received a nice cleansing ritual. With a glow in our eyes, we drove back to the resort.
