Reisebriefe von Felix
Reisebriefe von Felix

Off to the Tablelands

Ishicilelwe: 16.04.2017

After uploading blog entries in the morning, we jump in the car and drive north along the coast. The sun is scorching hot, so the nearly 7-hour drive is accompanied by constant sweating. We're very glad that an exciting radio play distracts us from the monotonous journey. We take a lunch break and enjoy some pumpkin rolls (!) with avocado and tomato. After this boost, we cover the remaining kilometers to the campsite we've chosen. A rest area with green space serves as our camping spot for tonight. We cook potatoes, chop vegetables and salad and get the quark out of the refrigerator. Apparently, our sense of portion size got lost during the long drive, so the serving is quite generous. But since we don't want bad weather tomorrow, we naturally eat everything. We go to sleep feeling full to the partially non-existent hair tips.

The next morning, we unfortunately realize that it's raining. Apparently, even our cleaned plates from the previous evening couldn't change that. We originally planned to spend the day in Mission Beach today. But sitting on the beach in the rain doesn't seem so desirable to us, so we decide to drive to the Atherton Tablelands today, which was actually scheduled for tomorrow. We refuel and realize that it's Good Friday. On one hand, it's nice that we're so relaxed and forget the days, but on the other hand, it means that our planned shopping for groceries is cancelled. Luckily, we still have a few leftovers.

The Tablelands present a stark contrast to the impression we've had of the Australian landscape so far. No beach and no waves, instead lush green expansive meadows and hilly landscapes. We like it! We turn off the main road and embark on the waterfall route. A 15-kilometer road that passes three waterfalls (including the Millaa Millaa Falls). In some places in the rain, in other places in bright sunshine, we get out at the respective waterfalls and marvel. Very beautiful nature up here.

Up here because the landscape is about 800 meters above sea level. This fact is reflected in the significantly more pleasant humidity and lower temperature. Arriving at the campsite, we have to dig deep into our backpacks to find our long pants. Yes, it's that "cold" here.

We spend the rest of the day at the campsite. Due to the Easter holidays, there are only a few spots left and the owner apologizes several times that she can only offer us a covered pitch. We assure her that we will manage and think that this is the best spot on the entire campsite. We can sit outside in the rain! It doesn't get any better than that : )


Imibiko yokuvakasha Australia