
Day 4 & 5 in Latin America

Ishicilelwe: 22.09.2019

Tuesday and Wednesday were relatively uneventful. I went to language school in the morning and had lunch with Antonia, getting to know each other better. We made some plans for things we wanted to do in Peru. Meanwhile, I revolutionized the dinner in our apartment by suggesting a weekly meal plan, which was gladly accepted. Since I was the earliest to come home, I cooked for everyone and it was very delicious, and everyone was grateful.

Well, we all got to know each other better and laughed a lot together. However, Tuesday evening had something very interesting in store. It was my first evening in a bar with live music. Let's just say, the music and performers were very eccentric and probably had breakfast through their noses.

The Musicians
The Musicians

Despite everything, it was a very amusing night during which we also danced a lot, because Peruvians don't care how you dance.

The highlight on Wednesday was that I got to hold a baby alpaca and it was soooo fluffy and warm. But of course, it was just a scam. I only wanted to pet it briefly, but the Peruvian woman already handed me the animal and said take a photo. Well, in the end, I had to pay 10 soles, which is equivalent to 2.50€. It was still cute though.

Baby Alpaca
Baby Alpaca

Don't worry, the next few days will be more eventful.


More information to come...
