
Bless program

Ishicilelwe: 22.11.2023

Street children often do not go to kindergarten or school. That's why CFA developed the Bless program, which teaches children important basics. This takes place in the new family centers, which are located in the hot spots (near the feeding location). The content ranges from distinguishing colors or shapes to learning to write and read. Being able to write your own name is particularly encouraged. This means the children receive a piece of education that many other children (and parents) are denied. Writing your own name also means being able to sign contracts. A little more participation in social life again.

The children in the Bless program are between 4 and 10 years old. With them we learned the different shapes (triangle, square, rectangle,...) in a playful way. It is challenging to get the restless street children to cut out a triangle. The challenges start with the language barrier and extend to very practical things, such as holding a pair of scissors. Staff also struggle to convey to parents and children that education is important. Why should children learn something that you can't master yourself? The employees explain a lot here and do persuasive work. Once the parents are convinced, the next problem comes: the children are often too busy literally earning their daily bread.

In addition to education, the children are also taught a lively life of faith. You learn to pray and receive a snack (typical for the Philippines - the land of snacks). The employees work entirely according to the biblical basis from Mark 10:14-15, where Jesus says: “Let the children come to me and do not hold them back, for the kingdom of God belongs to people like them. I assure you: If you don't allow God's kingdom to be given to you like a child, you definitely won't get in." It is heartwarming how the children not only allow themselves to be given the kingdom of God, but also a piece of perspective for their future.


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