Auslandsjahr in China
Auslandsjahr in China

1st Advent

Ishicilelwe: 24.11.2019

Hello everyone :)
Today I have already finished the blog article about the campus and will now give a brief summary of the past few weeks.

The Taxx directly in Found 158. The club with the best music so far.

On 9.11. we celebrated my birthday. Sophie and I went to the city to celebrate. We first went to Linx and Taxx, but it was so crowded and uncomfortable that it just wasn't fun, especially because we both like to have our dance floor. Since we were already quite annoyed, we simply went to Lukas and Karlo at Bar Rouge. The music wasn't particularly good there, but we finally had our own space. All in all, it turned out to be a pretty nice evening.
Thank you for all the well wishes and the package from Germany. You're the best :)

Then we went to First-X.

The week after, six of us went to see Armin van Buuren at First-X, the biggest club in Shanghai. Before that, we strolled through a small Christmas market and went to the Windows Garage, a bar in the center. It was also a damned awesome evening and the party at First-X was fun. I was so exhausted the next morning that I only woke up halfway through the second session...

Then we had hotpot with Prof. Dittrich on November 21st because he flew back to Germany the following weekend. Thomas and I also took a knot tying course. It was very funny to watch 10 aspiring engineers try to follow the instructions, and some of them failed...

Then it was Miguel's birthday. We know him from the dormitory and he invited all kinds of people and we spent the evening together in Venture Valley. It was a lot of fun and I like his attitude. He brought us together so that we can meet new people. It was a mix of Germans, Chinese, French, Italians, and he himself is Portuguese. Definitely a cool evening.

Dinner at the Japanese restaurant on East Nanjing Road.

Last Thursday, Dimo (left) invited us to go out for Japanese food with 2 friends and it was incredibly delicious. The restaurant is in the center on East Nanjing Road. We had all you can eat and drink for 197¥ (~25€). The dishes are cooked right in front of your eyes. There was a selection of meat, salad, and seafood. Plus large quantities of sake (Japanese schnapps) and beer. I have never eaten so well here and I will definitely go there again. It was also really funny because we always got the cook to drink with us and there were 2 French and 2 Austrian people at the table with whom we chatted a bit. In the end, we drove home full, tipsy, and satisfied.

Furthermore, I went to a company visit at Liebherr and now every Tuesday there is a Meet Your Company event where companies introduce themselves for internships.
There is definitely so much more I can tell, but those are the most important things.

Our next few weeks are going to be very busy. Until December 24th, I still have 4 presentations, 1 project report, 1 paper, and 2 exams, and then at the beginning of January we have our final 2 exams. So it will be stressful. But then at least it's all over and we can finally go on vacation before starting our internship. The vacation planning is already underway.

In that sense, thank you for reading diligently and I wish you all a Merry and contemplative Advent season. Enjoy the last few days of this year and have a mulled wine for us :)

...and I just have the best girlfriend in the world.
Thank you for all your efforts ❤

Phendula (1)

Hallo, wir haben deinen Bericht begeistert gelesen und die Bilder angesehen. Ich saß mit an Opis Computer, weil da alles so schön groß zu sehen ist. Es ist ja interessant, was ihr alles erlebt - und genießen könnt! Omi hat mir nie so einen tollen Adventskalender gebastelt! Natürlich trinken wir einen Glühwein auf Dein Wohl - sicherlich auch 2! Hab weiter eine gute Zeit sowie Kraft und Erfolg beim Studium! Deine Omi und dein Opi