
Stage 04 Fribourg, 27.1 Km (103.5 Km)

Ishicilelwe: 24.03.2022

Highlight of the day: My first stamp from the Camino de Santiago.

It was a restful night, Egon gave me his bed and he took the couch himself. Thank you very much, Egon.

I woke up at 6 am and had enough time to catch up on my blog from the previous day. Afterwards, we had a quick breakfast so that we could leave the house as planned at 7:30 am.

Here in Köniz, Egon knows his way around and we didn't need to use Komoot yet. I also learned how big the municipality of Köniz is. We hiked for over 2 hours until we finally crossed the municipal border. Of course, there were many small villages and hamlets that were incorporated years ago, which we walked through. Many meadows and forests also belong to the municipal area, so I wasn't aware that we were still in Köniz.

This hike was characterized by idyllic landscapes and rarely did we have to walk along highways.

From many previous hikes, we were used to getting from A to B together. Egon and I are a well-practiced team and understand each other well without many words. No wonder our friendship is still intact after almost 70 years.

Only once did my GPS lead us to a path that ended up in the wilderness. But we are used to such situations and don't despair. On the contrary, we always find a way. Turning back is never an option!

To cross the Sense river, we took the Riederenbrügg and thus reached the lowest point of our hike. Then we went steeply uphill again. Soon we found a small sunny bench where we took our first little break.

A special highlight was definitely walking on the Camino de Santiago and visiting the Jakobskapelle, where we received our first stamp from the Camino de Santiago. (See photos)

According to my schedule, we were supposed to arrive at my BnB at 5 pm. Although we took it easy, we reached our destination at 4 pm.

Afterwards, Egon took the time for a shared apéritif and dinner at Restaurant Da Vinci. We didn't say goodbye until after 7 pm, Egon went home by public transport and I returned to my room to write this blog post.

With today's stage, I have reached the first one hundred kilometers. However, this is only about 1/5 of the entire tour.

The entire stage on Komoot:


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