Schahaatz und ich sind dann mal weg
Schahaatz und ich sind dann mal weg

Welcome in Sydney

Ishicilelwe: 29.10.2018

Our last Australian domestic flight from Melbourne to Sydney. The check-in was chaotic, but this time the plane actually took off and even on time.

Welcome to Sydney.

Let's see how the public transport network is. It is supposed to be very good and affordable. Here, there is a rechargeable card called the opal card that can be used for buses, trains, and ferries.

Just right for us to explore the city.

But what I never understand is that the train stations are built with elevators for accessibility, but for the last stretch from the basement to the surface, there are only stairs. What kind of planning is that! And then there are the two suitcases weighing 28 kg each and the 43 steps. They can take so long. That gets the circulation going and makes the body perspire. Others go to the gym, we fly to Sydney and use public transport.

(Note: The elevator is currently undergoing an "upgrade" and was therefore covered with a wooden enclosure. That's why we couldn't find it☺️, so not as poorly planned as we thought)

Today the mood is a bit low, is cabin fever setting in? The weather doesn't brighten the spirits either.

The hotel is nicely situated with a direct view of the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. However, the interior decor reminds me more of my grandma's old furniture. Sorry, Grandma, I mean your furniture from a long time ago. Well, at least the bathroom is spacious and the view is beautiful. We only want to sleep in it anyway.

After a short power nap, an extensive exploration of the surroundings,

, we had the best pizza ever. A very small place with only 6 tables, "Pizza Boccone," a Sicilian. The whole place is not even 50 sqm and the toilet is around the corner. Rustic and ultra delicious.


Imibiko yokuvakasha Australia