Tandem-/Fahrradtour Europa
Tandem-/Fahrradtour Europa

Bicycle tour day 28

已發表: 24.05.2017

Since I wanted to take care of the bicycle repair today, I set off as early as possible. The route led more or less along the river again. The first almost twenty kilometers I drove directly towards the cooling towers of the Belleville nuclear power plant and also passed the plant directly (However, photography was not allowed there). In the associated town, I overlooked the signpost, probably still irritated by the uncanny proximity to the nuclear power plant. In the next town, I had to search for the connection to the route again. In Briare, the route briefly deviated over the 'Canal Lateral a la Loire', which crosses the Loire for a second time at this point with a bridge. Then it continued away from the Loire through some small villages with moderate climbs until Gien. From there, it was about 12 km to my hotel, where I then discovered that there is a nuclear power plant twice the size of the one I saw in the morning nearby.

In Gien, I first tried unsuccessfully to find a workshop using my cycling map. At the 'Office de Tourisme', despite my gibberish of bad English, even worse French, and some scattered German words because I couldn't think of anything better, I was helped. In the shop I was sent to, there were not only bicycles but also motorcycles, lawnmowers, and other small devices. The owner explained to me through his wife, as he only spoke French, that the repair would be finished in 1.5 hours, and it was. Thus, the daily goal was also achieved.

By the way, the two "elevated" tents are offered very cheaply as "double bed rooms". I had already seen them about two weeks ago on the booking portal. The bike path runs right past them.

PS: Thanks again to the colleagues in Erfurt who supported me and my family this week!


Distance traveled: 68.37 km

Actual riding time: 4:37:09 h

Average speed: 14.8 km/h

Max. speed: 31.6 km/h

Total altitude gained: 171 m

Accommodation in Dampierre-en-Burly

回答 (1)

Anscheinend bist Du weiter an der Loire unterwegs auch an einem Atomkraftwerk? Orleans ist nicht weit entfernt. Nun geht es stramm auf Paris zu. Grüße doch bitte Deine liebe Petra von uns und gute Besserung!
