Im Westen der USA ~ On the road again...
Im Westen der USA ~ On the road again...

標籤 18 u。 19:加州我們來了

已發表: 25.05.2017 yesterday we arrived in Los Angeles again. Nerve-wracking traffic around and in LA (worse than in Berlin) got to us so much that we just wanted to go to our hotel. So we canceled the planned visit to Santa Monica Beach.

That left us with a big task for today. The visit to Universal Studios!

My cinema and series-loving soul was looking forward to it immensely! Colorful, flashy, loud, and completely unrealistic. 😀👍

We started with the so-called Studio Tour. A train took us past some well-known sets, like the famous Wistiria Lane in Desperate Housewives, right behind it 'Bates Motel'. The crashed and torn apart airplane from 'War of the Worlds' was still there. Gigantic! The Town Square with the clock tower from 'Back to the Future' was also visible. It's amazing how real it all looks.

We had the 4D experience of witnessing a fight between King Kong and a T-Rex up close, and participating in a wild chase with the people from 'The Fast & the Furious'. We were shaken up and splashed with water. What fun!

The theme park had several attractions, such as a white water ride through Jurassic Park. Since Carsten was still in pain, I went on some 'rides' alone. At least he was by my side when we went through 'The Walking Dead' horror maze. Thanks for that! I don't know why I always voluntarily do stuff like that. 😅🤤

It was a great ending to our vacation, which was overshadowed by the car accident in the last week. Our flight is tomorrow, but we won't arrive in Germany until Friday.

We drove an estimated 6000 km. Unfortunately, we can't say exactly. Pretty crazy.

We experienced everything from -2° to 37°. We also experienced rain, snow, hail, sun, as well as a lot of mountains, desert, flat and fruitless land. Infinite expanses...

The animal world was well represented too...many bison, squirrels, grizzly bears, prairie dogs, coyotes, groundhogs, and elks...what more could you ask for. ☺

But now we're really looking forward to going home! So today we're closing the travelogue and we thank all the readers and commentators! 😊

So long...

~ Evi

回答 (10)

Schade, dass eure Reise schon zu Ende ist...Ich werde es echt vermissen, jeden morgen bei der ersten Tasse Kaffe im Büro euren Bericht zu lesen. Was soll ich jetzt bloß immer machen... und kommt mir jetzt nicht mit "Arbeiten" :(

Evi in ihrem Element. :) So muss es sein, ein toller Abschluss.

Einen guten Rückflug!!! Kommt heile an. Die Muddastadt erwartet euch schon bei herrlichem Wetter.

Auch ich werde die Berichte vermissen 🙂. Meine Morgenlektüre..... Aber alles Schöne geht mal zu Ende. Bei den Serien kann ich nicht mitreden, aber hört sich spannend an 😉. Also, nehmt wieder viele Eindrücke mit. Guten Flug und bis bald 🛫🙋😚

Ha! Den weißen Hai kenne ich auch noch ☺ fährt die Bahn noch durchs Rote Meer? Ganz herzlichen Dank fürs Mit-hinein-nehmen in euren Urlaub! Wünsche euch auch eine gute Rückreise 😙

@Nadine: Sekt-Frühstück!?😉 Auf's gute Wetter freuen wir uns auch schon sehr!

@Maren: ...kein Rotes Meer?!🤔 Hier war ja mal ein großes Feuer. Vllt ist das abgefackelt?

@Max: Voll mein Element!😊 Das können die Amis aber auch echt gut!👍

@Marlies: Vielen Dank!😚 Es hat auch eigentlich Spaß gemacht, alles aufzuschreiben. Eine gute Erinnerung.😊 Bis bald🙋

Alles Gutes auch von mir und vielen Dank an die treue Leserschaft!🤗
