
13 pure sun

已發表: 07.04.2023

Guayas had to work on this day and I enjoyed wandering around. I went to the castle and hiked up to Firscherbastai, enjoying the view. The Hunter's Fountain and the old buildings with colorful rooftops.

Up there was also the residence of Orban, in front of which soldiers marched up and down in a funny English style. If I imagine that people would do this in front of Scholz's house, it seems ridiculous to me.

The weather was amazing and Mate asked me to join him on a small bike tour. In the evening, I actually had a sunburn. But with 21 degrees and sun, no wonder. We met and he borrowed city bikes for us, which we had to switch every half hour to ride around for free. We went along the Danube shore and he told some anecdotes about the bridges. The Chain Bridge was built by a ruler after he missed the funeral of his father because the frozen Danube prevented any ships from crossing to the other side or something like that.

For the white bridge, a church was supposed to be 'moved', but it failed and resulted in a weird bend in the road today. We kept going, talking about politics and the weird stadiums that the mayor built everywhere. We arrived at a spot on the river where locals enjoy the sun in the summer. One cafe after another, really beautiful.
Mate told me where he has lived, including Frankfurt, but that is not uncommon for people in the finance business. And that he is currently building some business with which he wants to earn enough money in 10 years to finance the rest of his life. An interesting life concept. On the way back, we found a picture of this funny man who closely resembled Mate on a bike stop.

In the evening, Guayas cooked a Tunisian style "spring rolls" for us and after a few rounds of cards, we went to bed.

