
From Lucca to Naples

已发表: 12.02.2023

Tuesday 07.02.

Coffee and Scratchcard in Lucca

After being on our feet a lot yesterday, we take it easy today. The owner tells us that a wild boar visited last night. So that was the growling we heard when we were outside with Hundi. Lucky us. In the afternoon, Layla still goes for a long walk. Halfway through, the two bipeds have coffee with sweets and scratchcards. Bet: 3 tickets at €1 each, win €4 :)

Wednesday 08.02.

Beach in Follonica 

The night was cold, so we decide at breakfast, nice place or not, we have to move south. So we leave Al Podere di Rosa. We have to defrost the fuel tank lock before refuelling, then it works. We catch a glimpse of the leaning tower of Pisa as we drive past, and then the sea calls. We drive to Follonica, a resort that was mostly built in the 60s and whose architecture, apart from the row of houses right on the beach that reminds us of American suburbs, has the charm of Gorbitz. But there is a nice sandy beach and in the summer it's buzzing here. Layla doesn't care about all of that, she's excited and throws herself into the waves and rolls in the sand.

Thursday 09.02. 

Amazing cake

In the morning, we waste some time, which means we won't reach our destination for today. But it turns out to be a lucky coincidence, as we buy a bag of delicious pizza and an amazing cake through our app Too Good To Go during our journey, and head to Maenza for the night. This little town in the Monti Lepini, about 90km southeast of Rome, entices with a free pitch with a beautiful view and free electricity and water.

Friday 10.02.

Pitch in Meanza

After a peaceful night, we wake up and the view is already impressive. After breakfast, we take a 'walk' through the olive grove on the hillside. After going steeply downhill and just as steeply uphill, we have great respect for everyone who works in this grove. In the afternoon, we take a walk through the old town, which nestles around the castle on the hill and turns out to be a labyrinth with its many narrow alleys.

Saturday 11.02.

Pitch in Pozzuoli
Pitch in Pozzuoli

Today, the destination is clearly Naples. After breakfast, we pack up and start. Along the way, we buy another surprise bag through our app, but this time we're not as lucky as with the cake. 10 packs of sausages :) guarantee our meals for the next few days. We take a break halfway at the beach for a walk and arrive at our pitch in Pozzuoli, a suburb of Naples, in the late afternoon.

Sunday 12.02.

Naples from above

During breakfast, we gather our strength one more time and then head into the hustle and bustle of Naples. We apparently didn't read the instructions properly and ended up paying €6.40 per person instead of €1.40 for the train ticket. But that's fine for fare dodging. We go directly to the historic district and quickly realize that it's exactly as described. It's loud, hectic, chaotic, crowded, dirty, and everyone, especially the scooters, drives however they want. And yet it has a charm that immediately captivates us. Today is carnival for the children and we encounter several parades. The SSC Napoli and Maradona are omnipresent. They really deserve to win the Scudetto this season, the first one since Diego. This party is going to be gigantic, you can already feel it. In the afternoon, we go to Vomero, a district located on a hill and offering a fantastic view of the city from above. We enjoy this view on a bench and realize that all three of us are a bit exhausted. So we head to the metro, this time with a cheap ticket, and back to the motorhome. When we arrive there, it's already dark.

Monday 13.02.

Temple of Serapis and ancient market
Temple of Serapis and ancient market

After yesterday's exciting day, we decide to explore Pozzuoli today. The locals recommended it and a quick Google search shows us several ancient sites, including the third largest Roman amphitheater. Unfortunately, we made the not-so-smart decision to walk instead of taking the train, which means we have to walk along the main street of the industrial area for 1 hour. Well, eventually we made it and stood in front of the amphitheater, facing the question of whether we want to pay €10 admission just to probably leave after 10 minutes. So the amphitheater is quite well preserved and probably very interesting and worth the admission, but we felt more like strolling around. So we bought a bag of sweets through Too Good To Go and sat in the park. Then we headed towards the promenade and wandered through the streets. It turned out that the locals were right and if you want to have a quieter day during your visit to Naples, Pozzuoli is the place to be. After enjoying the sun at the promenade for a while, we headed back to the motorhome, this time by train of course.

That's it for today. Thanks for reading and see you soon.

回答 (2)

Ein schöner Reisebericht, und schön, von euch zu lesen. Liebe Grüße an alle und einmal dolle Knuddeln für Layla…😘❤️

Sehr schöner Bericht. Da bekommt man sofort Fernweh und Lust auf Italien :) LG aus Singapur
