
Sunrise in Lovina

已发表: 03.05.2024

Today, after two days of chilling on the beach, there was some action again.

We went to Lovina to watch dolphins at sunrise. The alarm clock rang accordingly early this morning at 3:00 a.m.⌚
At 06:00 a.m. we went out to sea on a fishing boat.

This ordeal was rewarded with a magnificent sunrise.

Unfortunately, I had little luck with the dolphins today. Only 4-5 animals were spotted within 2 hours. I was able to capture one of them on camera, albeit poorly.

Afterwards, for a change, we visited a Buddhist temple.

Despite the small disappointment at sea, it was a very passable Friday morning in Bali thanks to the panorama of the sunrise and the landscapes 🥰😊

Bye and see you soon 🔥

回答 (3)

Hallo Jens, wünsche dir noch eine schöne Reise. Bei dem Sonnenaufgang kann man auf Delfine verzichten. Liebe Grüße

Hallo Jens, schöne Idee mit dem Meer ! Sonnenaufgang nicht vergleichbar hier ! Werf dem Delfin Siach a Bier zu,dann kommt er erfahrungsgemäß ! Gruß von einem Seemann !

Hallo Jens, den Delfin kann ich auf deinem Bild klar und deutlich sehen...Supi!!!...weiter so Gruß Bruno
