
Day 10 - Still no moose, but many other animal visitors.

已发表: 31.07.2017

The laundry didn't dry! It rained all night until morning and our tent was wet. Nevertheless, we slept until 10 o'clock, when we were awakened by bells. At first, we thought it was just some sheep. When we went outside, two cows greeted us. They were very curious and interested in everything we did, and we could hardly get rid of them.

As soon as we could get rid of the cows, we were visited by a herd of goats. They wandered along the lake shore to find food.

It is impressive to see the freedom that farm animals have here and how they are allowed to live. A good example of animal welfare.

The goats did not stop in front of our tent and car either. 

When the herd had passed, we packed all our wet things and drove towards Fjaerland. 

There we visited the Bøyabreen Glacier. This is the largest glacier on the European mainland. The glacier extends far into the valley, and it was fascinating to see how close such an ice desert can be. The air in the area was remarkably clear, and the waters shimmered in bright blue. Unfortunately, it was still raining, which shortened our stay. 

From there, we drove about 200 kilometers north. Near the city of Ålesund, we set up our camp to visit the city tomorrow. 

It's dry here, and it's pleasantly warm in the sleeping bag. We don't need anything else.
