Riding shotgun with us ...
Riding shotgun with us ...

Yo, Bitch ... On the trail of "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul"

已发表: 25.05.2023

Just to start off ... we show you beautiful pictures over and over again, and everything looks so "clean". But we can be different too, when the camera is off ... just like in our room today ... if you read to the end of this long text, you will be rewarded 😊

But to get back on track, let's continue here ...

Our journey today took us to no natural event or other prehistoric highlights ... Today we are once again recognizable as series junkies, and our path leads to Albuquerque, a city that doesn't have much to offer except that it is the place where Breaking Bad and the spin-off about the lawyer in Better Call Saul took place. Two very successful series in streaming TV. For those who don't know but would like to get to know the main series Breaking Bad: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breaking_Bad

The first stop takes us to the Convention Center. Since the summer of 2022, the two main actors of the brilliant series, Walter White and Jesse Pinkman, have been standing there as bronze figures. When these figures were erected, there was initially an outcry in the population, especially among the Republican Party: portraying cooking crystal meth as a heroic act and erecting a monument to the person responsible for many drug addicts has "horrified" some people in Albuquerque ... But it must also be remembered that this series has brought many other "addicts" to the city - the series junkies. Everyone who has seen the series wants to know where everything happened. We are no exception ...

The plaza in front of the Convention Center was also a location in the series. This is where a scene takes place at the end of the story, when Walter White was already being pursued by the drug police ...

Next stop is the souvenir shop for Breaking Bad, including a museum. "Both of our hearts" overflowed here. So many memorabilia from the series have found a place here. Original items from the series and a lot of other things that have brought back memories (we couldn't remember everything beforehand, it was too long ago that we watched the series for the second time).

Of course, we had to take magnets and a T-shirt for Thorsten. For "me", there was a new bathroom door hanger with two fitting quotes from Walter White ... To each his own ...

And off we go on the "Breaking Bad Revival Tour". We wanted to see Jesse Pinkman's house. He lived here (in the series) for a long time. After a fight with Walter, he temporarily continued cooking alone in the basement. In the first floor of the house, Jesse and Walter initially made a drug dealer disappear by "placing" him in the bathtub with hydrochloric acid ... Later, the enamel bathtub crashed through the ceiling into the ground floor ...

The house still seems to attract some tourists today. We were not the only ones who drove around the house, stopped, and discussed ... But everything was easy and nobody minded.

On the other hand, at the house of the White family from the series, a woman lives who does not allow anyone to approach the house. On the internet, you can read about many visitors who were insulted by the woman as soon as they came anywhere near the house. She does not tolerate that the house is photographed or that anyone even stays nearby. She has put up a fence around the front area, and she herself sits in the garage on a chair and "waits" for someone to pass by and take a look at the house.

But knowing this in advance did not deter us. What could happen? She won't greet us with an MP and just shoot us on the spot ... (at least that's what we hoped ...)

We got lucky. The chair in the garage was unoccupied. But apparently, that was just a coincidence and she had to do something in the house ... From a distance, we dared to take a photo and then drive past the house. Not a pretty sight, so "ramshackle". We wondered why she doesn't profit from the fame, like the owners of the Gallagher House in Chicago. There, you pay $5 per person if you want to take a photo on the legendary stairs. She could do the same with the White House. But that's just how the Americans are, they prefer to play with guns rather than think a little ...

The penultimate stop was the car wash where Walter had to work on the side for financial reasons and which Walter's wife Skyler later bought and operated to be able to launder the drug money.

Finally, we made a detour to Saul Goodman's law office. Saul Goodman was a very clever lawyer (actually like all of them, just with a lot more willingness to be criminal) and he helped the Whites and Jesse out of many tight spots ...

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