
Women in Georgia

已发表: 19.09.2019

It is very pleasant to be a woman in Georgia, even alone. The men are very reserved and polite, young men stand up for an older woman in the metro. No stupid remarks, no flirtation, no suggestive looks. I am definitely no longer in the age category, but it also applies to young women. They move around freely in public. Besides, Georgia is very safe, I never had to worry about my luggage, wallet, etc. People simply let others do as they please, mind their own business. There is help everywhere, if you ask.

There seem to be only two categories of women - young and old. The middle-aged ones are rarely seen, they are probably at home or at work.

The young women are very fashionable, chic, usually heavily made-up, sometimes glamorous. And they have this lascivious-bored touch when dealing with strangers. Yes to information, politely distant and aloof. Warmth is not their thing.

But as soon as you scratch this surface and say something nice, make a joke or give a compliment, their faces light up with warmth and liveliness. By now, I know that if I were to encounter any difficulties, I would immediately receive help and support, even from the coldest beauty queen. There is a specific turning point: from the moment you show yourself as human and authentic, you immediately receive a corresponding response. Otherwise, you are supposed to have a facade towards the outside.

I have encountered women's issues in various forms:

Basket of the weaver
Basket of the weaver

Old wedding dress
Old wedding dress

MY topic...
MY topic...

The guardian of the fire...
The guardian of the fire...

...while baking bread
...while baking bread

Blue laundry in the backyard
Blue laundry in the backyard

But there are also the old women. Mostly tired and burdened, having had a hard life. They radiate something mournful, marked by life, but not broken, even if they walk bent. Something strong emanates from them. I suspect that old women do not have it easy in this country.

By the way, a woman in the Middle Ages brought Georgia to bloom - Queen Tamar. She lived in the 12th/13th century, modernized the state and made initial contributions to civil rights, democracy and the rule of law. She is highly revered throughout the country and practically encountered everywhere.
The young Queen Tamar with her father George III
The young Queen Tamar with her father George III (Fresco in Vardzia)

I also encountered this very young woman who patiently and politely listens to the old man's teachings

Unfortunately, he has no idea of the tremendous powers the young lady possesses...

Women are not to be underestimated!

回答 (4)

Hallo Bäbs, was du alles erlebst! Bin froh für dich, dass es keine gefährliche Gegend ist. Häbs weiterhin schön. Alles Liebe Lise

Oh la la ces broderies ! Je vois déjà ton imagination fourmiller - tu vas nous concocter un truc terrible 😍😍😍 comme d’habitude d’ailleurs. Ah cette Géorgie - que c’est beau et humble Imprègne toi à fond!


Ich finde die Frauen in Georgien sind sehr herzlich und nett.