
Stage 24: Barr - Chatenois

已发表: 25.04.2019

I test my hiking shoes again and it feels like my feet are getting along with them. I have bandaged the wounds well.

Early in the morning, Martine takes me by car to the starting point after breakfast, and so I am already in Andlau at 9 o'clock. There, in the abbey church, pilgrims line up in front of an opening with a bear to ask for healing from foot ailments. As it turns out, too early, the church is closed.

Abbey Church Andlau
Abbey Church Andlau
Romanesque Portal
Romanesque Portal

In the monastery Notre-Dame de Baumgarten, the Trappist nuns will accompany me in prayer. This James is special, who can find the mistake?

James with a small mistake
James with a small mistake

Since I have the whole day, I treat myself to many breaks, the thunderstorm has only been announced for the evening.

In the vineyards stands the chapel Saint Sebastian with an ossuary:


In Chatenois, I meet the first pilgrims and Achilles, an experienced French pilgrim, gives me his phone number for emergency assistance 😊


In the evening, a real thunderstorm with hailstones arrives, nature simply needs the rain.

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Schön, dass du nun auch auf andere Pilger triffst 😊