Ein Floh entdeckt die Welt V - Peleponnes
Ein Floh entdeckt die Welt V - Peleponnes

Goodbye middle finger

已发表: 04.11.2021

One last evening in Nafplio before packing our bags the next morning and heading off to the next stop of our vacation, to explore the next finger of the Peloponnese.

Today, we spent quite a bit of time in the car as we had to cover some kilometers. After about 2 hours of a somewhat monotonous drive, we reached our intermediate destination - Sparta.

Today, only a few remnants can be seen of the once mighty empire. However, with a view towards the mountains, one can get an idea of how impressive the city must have been over 2000 years ago - modern Sparta can't even come close.

Afterwards, we finally started to like the landscape better. It was more exciting, although rugged and barren.

In Gythio, we took a stroll along the harbor and then at least put our feet in the sea in the neighboring town.

We reached our base in Areopolis for the next few days in the late afternoon.

