52 weeks
52 weeks

Viva Mexico! Our journey begins...

已发表: 21.07.2021

July 15th

It's slowly sinking in. We have arrived. Well, actually, we're just getting started. Arriving while on the move.

Our journey went very smoothly and without any complications. Even at the airport in Zurich, we quickly found a hotel that is conveniently located on our way to Holbox: our first destination for 4 nights.

Upon arriving in the large Condor plane, we took our seats. Goodie bags with toothbrushes, socks, sleep masks, and blankets were placed on the seats in front of us and beside us. Cool, we thought! Why aren't those on our seats? Come on, Roman said, let's just take the ones from the front seats, they must have forgotten and then replace them with fresh ones... only much later did we realize that we were flying in the "economy" class and the next better class was just in front of us. So, we had stolen from the premium economy class. Oops. :) Luckily, no one noticed and we somewhat embarrassedly stored all the goodies in front of us in the seat pocket... we only let the toothbrushes run with us in the end. There were also the usual mask refusers on board who were eventually convinced. We passed the long flight time with many movies and series.

After about 12 hours of flight, I was completely exhausted. The last 2 nights at home were not very restful and rather short. After renting a car at Europcar, we headed to our hotel, which, as it turned out later, was not in the expected place, and instead of 70, we had to drive 150 km. Now it was 19:30 here in Mexico and at the same time it was 4:00 am in my body... We checked into our room at Hotel Zac Tun (very friendly man at the reception) and then drove to one of the small local asaderias on the side of the road. After a freshly prepared empanada and a torta (grilled sandwich), the world looked different again.

This morning, we were awakened by a chorus of bird songs. It chirps, tweets, coos, and shines all the time. In a half-awake state, I realized that I don't have a single image in my head for these sounds. Still half asleep, we grabbed our swimming trunks and headed to the pool. It is located just below the hotel in a natural cave and is modeled after a cenote. It looks like paradise.

This impression was briefly disturbed when I wanted to step into the pool and saw a small dead mouse swimming in front of me... poor mouse!

After some morning workout and learning Spanish, we had breakfast: eggs and black bean puree, and now, strengthened with a cup of coffee, we pack up and head to Holbox!

