
02.03-17.03 Myanmar: a slightly different travel report

已发表: 18.03.2017

Is that allowed? Traveling to a country that has just opened its doors to tourists and then complain?

No, this travel report won't do that! But only addressing the beautiful things and leaving out the rest would be wrong too!

Because it cannot be denied that Myanmar has problems!

Lack of electricity, a strong rich-poor divide, children working instead of going to school, lack of hygiene, and a politics that doesn't make it easy for the 'ordinary' people. And problems that catch your eye every day.

1. The alcohol problem. Even though the people in Myanmar are 'actually' Buddhists, they are quite fond of alcohol. This not only applies to the delicious beer here (Dagon, Myanmar, and Mandalay Beer). This especially applies to the whiskey and rum produced here. Preferably consumed in the morning and poured into large beer glasses with water... After that, it's back behind the wheel, of course.

2. The stray dogs. Not that it's atypical for Southeast Asia. But in Myanmar, there are really a lot of stray dogs, often in a catastrophic condition.

3. The garbage problem. Also not atypical for many Asian countries. However, I have never seen so much garbage in any country as in Myanmar, and absolutely everywhere. The Burmese don't seem to mind it not just visually, but also the youngest here learn to simply drop any trash wherever they are. On the street, on the bus, by the lake or the sea, and also everywhere around the house. And so garbage lies, floats, and flies everywhere.

回答 (1)

Das war früher anders. Da gab es noch nicht so viele in Plastik verpackte Dige dort. Leider sind diese Dinge inzwischen auch dort angekommen.... und mal ehrlich: dass Myanmar sich jetzt geöffnet hat, ist eine Lüge der Reiseindustrie