Lip & Bürsti - Balkan Roadtrip
Lip & Bürsti - Balkan Roadtrip


已发表: 02.07.2023


The weather report predicts rain and thunderstorms for today's lunchtime. That's why the alarm clock goes off at 06:00 am. The plan is to take advantage of the day for an extra summit and then return to the accommodation. The highest mountain in Kosovo (2656m) is the target and is located just 10km from our starting point in Doberdol. Today, we have to conquer 1450 meters.

06:00 am - wake up. Breakfast takes a bit longer because about 40 people want to eat at the same time and then leave as soon as possible. The accommodation here is very simple and rustic. For example, the electricity and the internet only work through solar power. It's 08:00 am by the time we leave. The Irish group has the same plan and we set off together.

Sammy and I climb without taking a break and reach the peak in just 3 hours. After a quick snack and a photo session at the top, we take the same path back that we came from, hoping to escape the predicted rain and thunderstorms as much as possible. Unfortunately, we get a little lost, which costs us some more time. Back on the actual trail, the weather forecast turns out to be right and it starts raining heavily out of nowhere. Thunder and lightning follow. The storm is directly above us. It's really not a good feeling to be on the mountain under these conditions. Within a very short time, I'm soaked and the wind is blowing hard from the side. Just keep walking...

Fortunately, the dry accommodation is within sight and when we almost reached it, the rain subsides again.

By the way, Oscar proved again today why he is a true mountaineering dog. We were just on the first hundred meters of the descent when Oscar suddenly shot towards us. He was with the Irish group and actually followed them to the summit and back down.

Spent the evening relaxing with the group.

Tomorrow, we will continue on the PofB Trek.

