
Day 29, from the Aida shelter to the village of Orlovo

Atejade: 29.09.2019

29 September 2019

Day 29, from the Aida shelter to the village of Orlovo.

In the morning, we wanted to leave at 7:30am, but it took us about half an hour to find the path that leads away from the shelter. We had to go through the blackberry bushes 🤕! You could hear Willi screaming all the way to the valley. About half an hour later, we came to an old abandoned mine tunnel! We opened the first gate and after 5 meters, another one! The tunnel was only lined with branches as thick as an arm, I was walking on eggshells 👀, but for safety reasons, I didn't go any further inside. Willi saw that there were different switches and buttons in the entrance area! What did he do - he pressed buttons and flipped switches🚨! With that, he activated a ventilation system in the tunnel with a loud noise! Oh man! We were so scared 😱 Today, we lost the right path several times or it led us into thickets and ended somewhere there! Without GPS and the fact that both of us had one, continuing would have been more than difficult most of the time! Ultimately, we arrived in the village of Orlovo after 10 hours and 28 km. The best part at the end was that we were able to rent a whole house next to the small supermarket for 25 €, and most importantly 🚿, we could take a shower!

Today it was 30 ° again

Idahun (1)

Da wir gestern mit den Gefängniswärtern Party machten nenne ich die Unterkunft nun „Jailers Hut“. Und wieder waren die Reiseengel bei uns. Alle möglichen Varianten spielten wir schon durch und dann dieser Luxus: Minimarket, Café und Bett. Die Wirtin drückte sich schnell und nasenrümpfend nach Zeigen des Zimmers aus der Unterkunft. Man beginnt nach 2 Hitzetagen (über 30 Grad) und fast 20 Stunden Sxhweissproduktion schon ein bisserl unschön zu duften.

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