From Naples to the Amalfi Coast

Atejade: 19.02.2023

Tuesday 14.02.

View of Massa Lubrense

During breakfast, we decide that our next destination will be the Amalfi Coast, with stops along the coast. So we need to prepare ourselves so that we can camp autonomously. This is possible because we are gradually entering regions where the nights are around 10°C. So please fill up the tank twice, with water and fuel, and head to the vegetable market followed by a supermarket visit. When Mathennsi reverses out of the parking space, he has the feeling that he grazes the neighboring car, but since none of the surrounding Italians even react, he thinks to himself 'All is fine'. Later we realize that there was probably something there after all. But since the percentage of cars with at least 10 major scratches per vehicle is quite high around here, that probably means that nobody cares about it. At least that's how we try to convince ourselves, so that we can start the next chaos with peace of mind. It awaits us in the form of narrow streets, dead ends, one-way streets, a lot of traffic without anyone even trying to interpret any traffic signs. Mathennsi rocks the traffic project in these too small streets and we manage to cover 60 km in 3 hours to arrive at today's parking spot. It's a small idyllic harbor village called Massa Lubrense. We are right by the harbor. We take Hundi for a first exploration tour and meet a couple from Sorrento who make art from leftover tiles that they are collecting on the beach. We chat for a while and they warmly invite us to their studio. Back in the camper, we treat ourselves to some delicacies from the Italian supermarket, and not much else happens on this evening. A little movie, a little reading, and pampering Hundi round off the evening.

And today is Valentine's Day :-) So Layla gets two bones today.

Wednesday 15.02.

Hiking to Punta Campanella

This morning it's pure sunshine and we enjoy the warm spring sunrays. After a little walk on the beach, we have a leisurely breakfast. Unfortunately, we have to realize that the further south we go, the more garbage there is, and many beautiful landscapes are heavily polluted. After the hustle and bustle of Naples, the calmness is really unusual. We enjoy the morning a bit more and plan our day in the meantime. We decide on a trekking trail a few kilometers further in Termini. The drive there with the camper is once again more than adventurous, and you don't even want to imagine what chaos must reign here in the summer. Actually, we wanted to drive quite close to the starting point for the hike. However, the road gets narrower and narrower, and we become more and more uncomfortable with the thought of actually fitting through here. To make a long story short, we park in the middle of the village and before we've even parked and turned off the engine, a young man is already standing next to the camper and tells us something about Stuttgart and olive oil, coffee, restaurant, and that we are welcome to eat at their restaurant.... Mathennsi is promptly asked out of the camper and engaged in a conversation. The goal of the hike is an old lighthouse and it becomes a fantastic experience and everyone enjoys it. Actually, we wanted to spend the night somewhere else, but the parking lot with a view of Capri is really not bad. As feels like always in Italy, the day really starts at 5 pm. Everyone who can still walk or drive gathers in the market square and all the news is exchanged over espresso and beer. Unfortunately, we don't understand a word. Behind us, a Danish couple also parks, who will spend the night with us.

Thursday 16.02.

Parking spot in Nerano

In the morning, we are awakened by various truck noises, and the hasty start of our neighbors (with a toothbrush in their mouth while reversing out) makes us suspicious. We check the situation and yes, something is happening in the village today. Some helpers are busy setting up a stage and barriers. So we also decide quickly and with a cozy second coffee, it will probably be later until something happens. But where to go spontaneously? Downwards towards the sea is the plan for the first stop. We find a really cool spot right by the sea in Nerano. Another camper is already waiting for us from Spain. Unfortunately, our first meeting does not go so well. Layla wants to go into the water. Off to the beach. In the water, out of the water. Stick here, stick there. After an hour, the little sausage is a bit exhausted, and the camper is waiting for us with breakfast. An afternoon hike is on the agenda for today. We're going to a nearby bay, actually right across from where we hiked yesterday. But first, it's uphill with a lot of sweating, then down into the bay, with the knowledge that we'll have to climb back up. At the end of the day, 2 out of 3 are really tired.

Friday 17.02.

San Lazarro with a view of Amalfi

The day begins with a walk on the beach and a little treasure hunt. Mathennsi is less enthusiastic about all the treasures and slowly but surely sees a small space problem looming for us. The goal for today is Positano on the Amalfi Coast. Lonely Planet promises us breathtaking views and we are really delighted. Only parking turns out to be a bit difficult, not to say impossible. Narrow streets, few parking spaces, tourists, and chaos from another planet. It will be very exciting for the driver, and somehow we manage to get through the city without major scratches or a nervous breakdown. We spontaneously decide to postpone the city sightseeing project to another day. We can't even stop somewhere for a moment to catch our breath and come up with a little Plan B. So we head to the parking spot for the next few days. Serpentine roads and curves that make you dizzy. Add buses and cars and traffic signs that nobody takes seriously. When we arrive, we take a shower first and then take a tour of the village. It's noticeably cooler up here in San Lazzaro. The owner provides us with plenty of information material, and we digest the day with a delicious Italian pizza and a bottle of wine. We return to the camper in a wobbly pace.

Saturday 18.02.

View of the Amalfi Coast

Hangover, good morning. With our planned hike (Path of the Gods), it's definitely not happening today. So let's take it easy and walk to the neighboring town of Amalfi instead. 2400 stairs later, we somehow arrive and are greeted by a touristy developed city. Everything here is geared towards tourism, and we don't really find it appealing. It's nice, but at the same time, we decide to take the next bus back to the parking lot. This ride is also unforgettable, and you wonder how it can work out day after day with such a fast driving style. Now it's time to relax. Recover from the wine and the killer tour.

Sunday 19.02.

Sunday fog

Fog, rain, and a drop in temperature mark the beginning of Sunday. So today is definitely not the day for the hike to Positano on the Path of the Gods. Our calves thank the weather. Calf muscle soreness is really uncomfortable, so today is a write-off. However, we still want to go for a short walk. Mathennsi makes a real effort and picks out a cool route for us. It's a steep uphill walk, following the white-red hiking symbols, only to realize at some point that we are in the middle of the clouds and can't see anything. Turn around, a quick stop at the pastry shop, and now it's time for some relaxation, and even Hundi is not sad about it. The heater is running, we make full use of the Wi-Fi, make plans for the next few days, and time flies by, and before we know it, it's dark.

Idahun (1)

Matthensen entwickelt sich noch zum Superfahrer, ach Quatsch, war er immer schon! Weiterhin so tolle Erlebnisse und Superknuddel für Layla!❤️

Awọn ijabọ irin-ajo Italy