
Horrible traffic

Atejade: 29.05.2023

After breakfast, of course, I started in the rain and 16 degrees. Then I took a highway, Turkish side roads should be treated with great caution in the rain.

I quickly approached Istanbul. Actually, this monster should be bypassed, but I decided to drive through it. Those who advocate maps and city plans without navigation don't stand a chance!

The traffic was insane. Traffic lights seem to apply only to vehicles with 4 or more wheels. The shoulder or side lane is reserved for scooters and taxis. When the lane ends, you squeeze into the tightest gap. A short honk indicates that someone wants to pass, and you make way. On two-lane roads, six cars like to stand side by side. Roundabouts don't work at all, even though you have the right of way, you have to wait. It was totally chaotic but still a lot of fun. Many scooter and motorcycle riders gave me a thumbs-up. Was that meant as recognition for daring to go through?

A special highlight was driving over the Bosphorus Bridge. An insane view of the city and the Bosphorus. Unfortunately, it was not possible to stop for photos.

Initially, I continued for several kilometers on highways, then the navigation showed me a way through small villages and side roads. Due to the rain that was occasionally present, the roads were covered with centimeters of mud. A stupid mixture, asphalt and mud, even the best tire can't find traction. Off-roading is better. The motorcycle and I looked like a mess.

Around 5:00 pm, I reached my camping site for today, right by the Black Sea, a very beautiful location. The downside is that there is only cold water and no toilet paper. Luckily, I always bring two rolls with me 🤗.

Tomorrow, I will continue along the coast towards Georgia.


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