
From Enslev to Lisbjerg

Atejade: 04.07.2020

Friday, July 3, 2020

A morning like in a picture book😊 I am staying in a cottage with walls made entirely of glass. It is cozy and warm, with the sun shining from the blue sky.. It seems like it's going to be a beautiful day. The morning with the lovely Danish family flies by. I even get to do my laundry. It feels like Christmas to me😇

I book the ferry from Frederikshavn to Oslo. It will depart on Tuesday evening at 11:30 PM. By then, I have to have covered 180 km by bicycle. It should be doable.

It is 2:00 PM when I reluctantly say goodbye to my dear ones and get back on my bike. Next stop is Aarhus, 11 km away. After Copenhagen, it is the second largest city in Denmark with a population of 350,000. I ride to the harbor in Aarhus and take a break. A charming little town, in my opinion. The beautiful weather is slowly disappearing. The rain is getting heavier, and I decide to look for overnight accommodation nearby. According to my app, I could stay at a 'Forsamlingshus' 10 km away. That sounds interesting. Motivated, I ride in the rain towards Randers. After a few kilometers, I see a green sign with white lettering: 'Lisbjerg Skov'. I suspect there are wooden cabins again that can be used for overnight stays. I ride a few hundred meters through the forest and there I am, standing in front of a huge green area with a small pond, a few cabins, and a campfire. It looks like there are already some guests here. I meet two nice families with children and two dogs. There is still enough space, so I immediately take a cabin. Great...a dry accommodation is worth its weight in gold now! The evening is cool, but I am dry. I treat myself to a hot coffee that I made myself...that feels good!


Awọn ijabọ irin-ajo Denmark