
Day 5 - Road Trippin'

Atejade: 26.09.2017

The theme of the day was: 'the wheels of the car go round and round...'

Before we could drive the 865km to Byron Bay, we had to pick up our car, aka Rambo the insect killer, from its cozy parking spot at the airport. Helene, the pilot, had to slowly get used to driving on the left side of the road in Sydney's traffic. With the support and driving skills of Erich, she did an excellent job.

Helene's first driving lesson

Chase on the Anzac Bridge
Chase on the Anzac Bridge

After three hours, seeing our first two live kangaroos on the side of the road, 87 cows, and approximately 1,000 squashed insects on the windshield, we took a break for a pee-coffee-thrombosis prevention and immediately reserved a beachside campsite in Byron Bay.

Small truck
Small truck

Five hours, 7 3/4 kangaroos, 87,000 cows, two bushfires, 1.2 million insects, dozens of blinding trucks, and a cracked safe later, we set up our tent in the glow of a street lamp.

Accompanied by the sound of the ocean, we soon fell into a deep sleep!


Idahun (1)

Rückwärts einparken mit dem Lenkrad auf der verkehrten Seite ist ursuper! Auf den rechten Ellenbogen aufpassen: der knallt garantiert gegen das Seitenfenster...:-). Frage: was geschah mit dem 1/4 vom Känguruh? In den Kochtopf oder auf den Grill? Oder lag bloß ein 3/4 Känguruh herum...? Viel Spaß jedenfalls noch mit den Viechern!