
Have a good trip and Goðafoss

Atejade: 18.06.2018

As it was when we arrived, our accommodation was empty when we left. Even though we started our day at half past seven, the other guests had already left.

For today's day, we had planned the longest stage so far (340 km). We had to hurry because we wanted to arrive in Akureyri in time for the kickoff of Germany vs. Mexico.

However, after a few kilometers, we were slowed down by a bumpy gravel road. At the same time, we had to call the hostel in Reykhólar because Tamara had forgotten her magnesium spray (silly brain!). Fortunately, they were willing to send us the spray, but only to Reykjavík. We had to find a replacement quickly, which again took valuable time. However, we were able to get the magnesium spray immediately at a pharmacy in Akureyrí. :)

Therefore, we only arrived at the halftime break in our amazing k16 apartment. Apparently, we didn't miss much...

After the final whistle, we set off again to replenish our food supplies. That's when we noticed the red heart-shaped traffic signals for the first time - *charming*.

Then we strolled through the mini-mini shopping street (about 100 meters). It was somewhat disappointing considering that Akureyrí is the fourth largest city in Iceland. Almost equally surprising was that despite the national holiday, there was no festive atmosphere. We were the only fans in front of the stage. For once, we were relatively early back at the accommodation. We ended the day with Spaghetti Carbonara and a cozy game night.

Today, we had planned to visit Mývatn and its surroundings.

To our disappointment, it had started raining overnight and it had also cooled down a bit (well, it was never really warm).

We were well bundled up and set off (at this point, praise to the hottie at Decathlon for his expert advice).

It is hard to describe the landscape better than our guidebook: 'the rugged beauty of the moon-like landscape with gurgling mud pots (fact!), bizarre lava formations, steaming fumaroles (volcanic steam vents), and yawning calderas undoubtedly make the area around Lake Mývatn the region's greatest gem'.

Pictures speak louder than a thousand words. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), we couldn't capture the smell for you. So, we'll describe it briefly: a pungent odor of rotten eggs :)

We already experienced it in Grjótagjá (cave with an underwater lake). By the way, this is where Jon Snow (Game of Thrones) lost his virginity.

Hoping for better weather, we saved Goðafoss (Waterfall of the Gods) for the way back.

To capture a few memories of this spectacular natural phenomenon, we fought through wind and rain (unfortunately, the weather hadn't improved).

After a quick shopping trip, a snack, and another tour through the metropolis, we dedicated ourselves to the battle for the Yahtzee crown and ended the evening with gin.

PS: The addicted among us don't have enough diamonds at the moment and are now waiting for the next key..

Idahun (1)

Die Namen der Städte, Seen etc. lest ihr mir dann bitte mal vor, wenn ihr wieder da seid ☺️

Awọn ijabọ irin-ajo Iceland