The countdown is on - 2 weeks

Atejade: 27.05.2019

The anticipation is slowly building up, work at the office is becoming more difficult as we approach the final stretch - I'm starting to make final preparations. What do I need exactly? Does it make a difference in terms of what to pack whether I'm flying to Malaga or Curacao? Are shorts just shorts? What should I wear? Nothing or maybe a braided bamboo bikini?

So many questions and time is running out. Honestly, I've only taken care of about 10% of the vacation - accommodation and flights. That's it. But don't worry if this makes you drop your sandwich. I already have 2 travel guides at home and I'm more on the side of 'let's see how things go on site'. However, maybe I should make a travel plan and think about 2-1000 things I would like to do, experience, and see.

The first step now is to start this blog. Isn't that the perfect way to get in the mood? I was inspired by a colleague who was so amazed that I'm going to the Caribbean alone and with sparkling eyes told me to start a blog as well. Why didn't I think of that before? Great. So I've already taken that step.

So to all those who are interested: family (hello mom, hello dad, hello grandma, hello grandpa), friends, and friends-to-be. I want to share my journey to Curacao with you.

A few preliminary information about Curacao for all you geography haters and homebodies:

Curacao is one of the ABC Caribbean islands. Actually, ... you'll hardly believe it, but Curacao is an autonomous country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which is why the official language is Dutch. I hope the Flying Dutchman also crossed the Atlantic and brought cheese and wooden clogs. Just kidding. If it was just because of Aunt Antje, I could have set up a paddling pool on the beach in The Hague. But that's not the case: I, being a megalomaniac, had to choose a big fish as my vacation destination just for myself. The island is small and beautiful, with a size of 444 square kilometers, which means it's about 60km long and approximately 4-5 km wide. Good thing I'm a good walker. At first, I considered renting a car, but what do I need it for alone? Let's see how I'll solve that on site - maybe there are e-bikes available for rent - that would be ideal. Both for the wallet and for a firm butt and toned thighs. I'll let you know what I decide.

Here are a few quick facts about the trip itself: I'm leaving on Whit Monday, June 10th at 6 am from Berlin-Tegel. From there, I'll first go to beautiful Amsterdam, where I'll stay for about 2 hours before taking KLM to Curacao. I'll be in the air for almost 11 hours and, oh no, how does that work???, arrive at 12 noon (I know how it works: it's called time difference, which is - 6 hours in this case. So, when you're enjoying your beers in Berlin at 8 pm, I'll be on the beach taking a nap). I'll be staying in a cute little Airbnb all by myself - bed, small kitchenette, and bathroom, what more could you want? The accommodation is quite centrally located in the western part of Willemstad. Since I'm a little social media victim, I thought ahead and bought a world SIM card. So I can go online anytime and share my vacation impressions on Instagram like a crazy show-off. If you're not already following me there, feel free to follow, ask questions, or insult me @eaxlgxey.

That's it for the introduction. Until then, I'll be biting my nails and getting excited like a little child about my trip! Take care!

My motto for the next few weeks will be 'Curacao and go'!

Yours, Anne

Idahun (1)

"Wenn ihr es noch nicht tut, könnt ihr mir gern dort folgen, Fragen stellen oder mich beleidigen @eaxlgxey. " Hahah ❤

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