ניו און ארויסגעשטעלטע רייזע בלאָגס George Town

Georgetown (Penang) אין מאַלייַסיאַ

פּענאַנג צו פֿיס אין איין טאָג


גרויס שטאָט מיט כיין

🇲🇾 Penang - Georgetown (6th stop on world tour)

Since November 2022, entry to Penang National Park 🏞️ is no longer free! Tourists pay 50RM per pers...

George Town (MYS)

George Town is the largest city on the island of Penang. The city has so many contrasts - colorful, ...

Contrast program on Penang!

Next stop: the island of Penang...

Penang Island

The view from our tent