
The twenty-first week

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 03.03.2024

Day 144-149

On February 26th we took the bus from Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng. The journey took 6 hours. It would also have been quicker with the high-speed train. But you are not allowed to take weapons (my knife!), aerosols, explosives or pump sprays (the mosquito repellent!) onto the train! We will still take the train, but not yet.

Vang Vieng is a playground for adults! There is tubing (you ride down the river in tires), mountain biking, hot air balloon flying or paragliding with propellers. Otherwise, Vang Vieng is not a particularly beautiful city.

Bridge in Vang Vieng. Looks ok!

Unfortunately, it was a game day for me because I had a bad headache and it couldn't be relieved by anything.

The next day I felt better, but we couldn't get out of the blubber. After a few everyday things (e.g. buying sunscreen and walking to 5 different stores until you found the right one), we went to a cave. We arrived promptly 6 minutes after closing time. Great. However, next to the cave there is a river coming out of the mountain! Too bad we didn't have any bathing suits with us! But the water was so beautiful, clear, cool and inviting... Since most of the visitors were away, we went into the water in our underwear. And it was paradise!!

February 29th was a shit day. He started having a bad headache again. Mr. Björn Headache also brought his friends with him: Ursula Fever, Gudrun Body Aches and Hubert General Malaise. I joked to Ivar that I definitely had the flu. Fun Fact: Malaria has flu-like symptoms!

The owner of our accommodation took us in his car to a hospital that was closed. So we stood in front of closed doors. I've never had it either. So we were taken to another doctor. He didn't do a thorough medical history, but he took blood and within 10 minutes we had the results: I don't have malaria or dengue (somehow I'm more afraid of dengue than malaria). But my inflammation levels are high. Some kind of infection seems to be having a party and has invited the Huberts, Gudruns, Björns and Ursulas to it.

Another fun fact: I didn't have any chills. It's so warm here that when I had a high fever, I was just a little cold. Then I wanted socks on in bed and the air conditioning off. A few minutes later: Tada! 39°C!

The doctor gave me an antibiotic, 2 different medications for the stomach (why 2, I don't know) and paracetamol. In addition, the doctor once again had a scale!

The owner was really nice! He actually wanted money for transport. Apparently I gave such a pitiful impression of myself that he didn't want anything more afterwards. Every day he asks if I'm feeling better.

I spent the rest of the day indoors and in the evening dutifully ate the rice that Ivar had brought (without anything, nice for the stomach and the sick).

Well, so the days are from March 1st. and 02.03. also told quickly. I was lying in bed (Netflix has been such a good investment!). Ivar spent the days more beautifully. He took great care of me and also organized a lot of it! But he also had time for nice things, like hiking up a mountain to a lookout. Another day he borrowed a good bicycle and rode to a swimming lake.

Ivar's view from the lookout point
My outlook...
Ivar's new friends!
My new friends!

The visits from Björn headache, Ursula fever, Gudrun body aches and Hubert general malaise became less frequent. The hunger also came back, so we left on March 2nd. went to a pizzeria and I ate a plate of spaghetti. Yummy!!!

Today, March 3rd, I woke up and thought: I'm fine! It's now the 4th day on antibiotics. I feel so much better! So we rented a scooter and drove to a lake called Blue Lagoon 3 (blue lagoon. There are numbers 1-9!). We swam and rested there.

Blue Lagoon 3

What this journey has really taught me so far is how great a healthy body is! Only through our bodies can we move through great landscapes, see unknown things, taste the sweetness of a mango ripening on the tree or, unfortunately, hear the heavy traffic with the constant honking of horns.

We often take our bodies for granted. Unfortunately, at some point we tend to treat things that are self-evident with indifference. Therefore, cheers to our bodies, which can do so much, have already achieved so much and will continue to achieve so much! Let's treat him with respect and care for him only with the best!


רייזע ריפּאָרץ לאַאָס